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Anyone had a problem with hair dye?

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You're supposed to do a strand test so you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

However I bought a popular brand of hair dye that said it covered 50% of grey but didn't cover all my 5%, I telephoned the number on the back & got a freebie that was similar in colour but more appropriate to cover grey. Ring the nmber on the box, you'll be suprised.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi - just found this thread while searching on similar topic. For what it's worth - I developed an allergy to what I assume is the PPD in hair dye. It developed gradually over time, starting with a few scalp sores and culminating in severe facial swelling. Fortunately it only lasted 4-5 days and I'm OK now - though I've never risked hair dye on my scalp since - I now just have highlights using foils which works OK for me. But 2 things - I've never had a henna tattoo and I always had the sensitivity tests beforehand but they showed no reaction whatsoever.

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  • 2 years later...
You can get a dye from certain herbalists (cant remember the name of that one upstairs in Meadowhall) where they sell a semi-permanent free of PPD, think the brand is called Nutratint or something similar. I feel so sorry for you Helibish, that seems to be going on too long. Since I started with it I'm more sensitive with make-up.

It's all a real pain to be honest as I'd love to have different shades streaked into my hair. I'm dark blonde naturally and found a salon that would streak it lighter but I had to sign a disclaimer and they spend time putting wraps in so they dont touch my scalp. I'm okay with 'bleach' though as theres no PPD in it.

Over the years my hair has been every colour but since that damn henna tattoo I'm stuck with blonde :(


It's Holland and Barrett who sell Nutratint - I've just been looking at it online. Not tried it yet though?

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To Helibish: My reaction was exactly the same as yours - I had no skin at all on the back of my neck or ears and had big patches on my head in my hair which were the same and then the allergy rash came out head to foot and yes, the itching drives you absolutely mad! My neck was described to me, as looking "like someone had poured petrol on me and set me alight"! Probably took around 6 months, for me to be fully back to normal. Never tried it again since, nor done a patch test.

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I've never been ill after dying my hair, however on a few occasions where i think i am Nicky Clarke i have done the home hair dye, with hidious results! Last year we arranged to go out really last minute my hair was looking a bit dull so clever clogs here decided to just stick a home dye on and it went a mix of light blue and green with hints of blonde in! Not a good look in the festive season!

And then earlier this year after goin darker wanted a chocolate colour on so i must have not even looked at the dye i picked up because after putting the dye on i noticed the bits of dye round the edges of my head going purple! I had a ribena head!

Im back blonde now courtesy of a professional and have promised not to mess about no more...I will never learn!

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My girlfriend is allergic to hair dye and shes going to hospital soon to have patch tests. Her skin looks as though its very burnt and goes all gooey and swelled even from the smallest little drops of dye. whats this PPD people are talking about? shes bought some natural hair dye which claims to have no chemicals in it from one of the shops on the lanes in Meadowhall. shes going to have that tested soon aswell. has anyone who is allergic to this PDD found an alternative that dosent cause a reaction?


The reaction is so bad that im sure all of her hair could drop out and her head would swell to twice the size if she tried to fully dye her hair with normal hair dye.

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