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What behaviour annoys you most in supermarkets?

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The minority of mothers, fathers, grandparents, guardians or whoever who seem to think that the supermarket is a nice big playground for their badly behaved little brats, and that they have absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for making sure the little so and sos don't make a nuisance of themselves.


And that goes for all shops, actually, plus Meadowhell. Some parents seem to think that once they're indoors, they can abdicate all responsibility for what their kids get up to.




I'll second that !

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"At the checkout and they ask if you want help with packing, do they think I cannot put a few tins into a carrier bag."


Do you think they actually want to help you pack?! They have to ask or they get in trouble. I worked on checkouts for about 2 years and believe me, the customers who say 'yes' are the most hated customers of them all.


Surely it's just as quick to put things in bags as it is to push them off the conveyor?

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People who pay by cheque and people who carry on loading their shopping bags after the cashier has finished putting everything through but don't get money/card out until they finish.


i do this because the bloody cashiers here are always rushing me. let me pack how i want to pack my stuff up. i loaded the belt how i wanted the pack and they just scan it out of order so i have to reorganise everything. so once i get everything done, i then pay and then get out of there in a timely manner.


as a former cashier i never rushed a customer to pay or if i had to, would cash them out but wait till they were finished packing to start the next order. before someone get their knickers in a twist its common practice in the US and how we are trained to handle an order.


People who try use the self scan tills but don't know how to use them.


to be fair no one really does and those machines are REALLY sensitive. i have a hard time using them and i cashiered for 4 years.

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Packs of feral little old ladies with those box on wheel things and a shopping cart all standing in a bunch right in the middle of the aisle rabbiting on and on about our Ritas ingrown toenail and the state of Mrs Grubbins` front doorstep.


Then, to add insult to injury, you get to a shelf where theres something you want and as your looking at the products, one of the little old vampires creeps in between you and the shelf.



Hang them. Hang them all, I say!



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Little old ladies who ask you if they can go in front as they only have a couple of items ad when you say yes they then suddenly out of no where produce a trolly full of stuff!


Then when they pay they start counting it all out in 2ps and 1ps aaagh!

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