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What behaviour annoys you most in supermarkets?

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My hates are :


People who have conversations in an isle and decide to park their troliies sideways so no bugger can get through, and when you ask them to move, they give you a funny luck.


People who are at the till and buy 3 or 4 items for something like £2.98 and pay by credit card, ffs dont you have the cash for that small amount.


When you get to the counter and they say : want any help packing, ffs do I look like I cannot pack bags, I have 1 pair of arms.


People who are infront of me in the till, and are a slow packer, and they have loads to put in bags, and they then decide to stop packing and pay for their goods, and take ages paying, and then decide to finish packing, ffs get some help.


Beside the above I am happy shopper :)

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My pet hates, customers who slam their money down on the counter when

the checkout operator is holding his or her handout for the money. Customers who don't say please and thankyou. Customers who say do I look disabled

when asked if they want help with packing. Packing is offered to everyone no discrimination or ageism.


My loves, the same people coming back to me to be served as surprise surprise they like me ! A customer saying thankyou it was great service.


Have worked in retail all my life, all supermarkets are the same to work for, its the people you work with that make it enjoyable, and dare I say it the

customers good or bad .

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Ok, done with some justification then. I was sitting waiting in a supermarket car park recently, which is my preferred way of supermarket shopping and watching the lad collecting trolleys pocketing pound coins from abandoned trolleys, I wondered who the money actually now belonged to but it looked like a nice little earner.


I once went to ASDA and found two trolleys in the little shelter both with pound coins still in the slot. Someone must have put their trolley back and then forgot about the pound coin, so I took them.

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People who treat supermarkets like a free buffet and eat and drink their way round - including their kids - then leave wrappers on shelves and don't bother to pay for it! Thinks thats called theft?


I've opened a drink bottle when I've been really thirsty and the queue is taking ages, but I've always paid for it.


I don't like people in queues that push their trolley right up to me so it hits me in the bum/legs.


I don't like cashiers that scan your stuff really fast so you don't have time to pack it.

There are some good ones who time it right so you don't end up scrambling about trying to pack while the next person looks at you impatiently.

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I once went to ASDA and found two trolleys in the little shelter both with pound coins still in the slot. Someone must have put their trolley back and then forgot about the pound coin, so I took them.


Think I might have done that today.:hihi:

I also hate it when they ask for your postcode, last year I gave a Warrington one and when I was asked this year I said no and asked why. The look she gave me, I asked why but never got an answer, it is relevant to marketing I would imagine. Maybe I should ask them for the name of the plantation owner whose pineapple I bought.

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