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Billie No Mates Needs Advice


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I need someone to go out with, my social life is at an all time low, my friends are all in happy relationships and only want a girls night occasionally, nights out from work are great but don't happen often enough. I'm not looking for a relationship just some mates of either sex to go to the pub with,for a meal,dance the night away ,cinema or even shopping not all in the same evening though!!

If you have been in this position and have any advice it would be welcome but please don't tell me to join a club,learn a language or take up a new hobby as I just want someone to party with life is suppose to start at 40 isn't it? ........thankyou for listenin!

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40? You've no chance love, slippers and nights in knitting is what the furture holds for you.


Only joking! Get yourself down your local, doll yourself up, get chatting to people, you'll soon find there are hundreds of people in a similar position to yourself but are just too shy to do anything about it!


Good luck!!

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Well where did you used to go with friends before they all settled into serious relationships? That would be a good place to start as at least you're familiar with the surroundings and don't feel like you've just walked into someone elses local and that all eyes are on you, although wear the right clobber and maybe that's the reaction you'll get anyway! :D

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think i'll try anything once to see if i like it, have been to boardwalk a couple of times, west st live, flares! reflex think i'm a bit stuck in the 80s music wise.

italian food floats my boat but like indian also. i'm just ordinary lol its just a sad situation i'v found myself in ta for replyin

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40? You've no chance love, slippers and nights in knitting is what the furture holds for you.


Only joking! Get yourself down your local, doll yourself up, get chatting to people, you'll soon find there are hundreds of people in a similar position to yourself but are just too shy to do anything about it!


Good luck!!


HA!!! How little you know :D I knit, at 26, so there :P

Check this out too ;)http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=208262

Just had to point it out...


How about trying an SF meet of some sort?

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