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The Spotswood Close Crew

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Was wondering when anyone was confirming, saw Joe and he said Mary had said it was changed - glad it hasn't - this didn't link to my inbox as the other mails have and I have kept meaning to check. Anyhow, will be there around 8pm on Friday then - looking forward to it. Wouldn't be the same if we didn't go in the Wyvern - surely bingo not in both rooms? Let's hope for nice weather too.

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Hi Chris, Lazarus has just let me know that the bingo is only in the 'best room' so if it's not glorious on the weather front we'll be in the Tap room - s'okay with me - how about everyone else???? If it's too smokey we'll have to prise the windows open.

Off for now

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Yeah it was a good night. It was interesting to see every one again after soooooooo long. Pity a few more didn't turn up but with the change of dates and people having holidays etc. it was probably difficult for some.

Sarah what was Dawn's head like the day after? Did she get to the airport?





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Dawn said she couldn't remember how she got home. she remembered after a while tho. she seemed fine to me. she did have a hangover but she did manage to drop brother-in-law off at airport tho. I do wish everyone had turned up and was a pity that some peeps left after a short while. know Tony Slack had been on a double shift and only got up to come to reunion but was very tired. that is understandable. You star tho Chris for starting the ball rolling. was great night.

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Sorry I haven't been on, I have been waiting for a pop up in my mailbox that said someone had been on and it's not happened. Yes, Sarah, I enjoyed the night and I echo your thanks to Chris for sorting it all out. It was smashing - I was pleasantly surprised to see as many of the'moms' there - didn't expect that and if I had known I would have made sure my Mom had joined us. Also sure that I would have stayed until the 'death' if I had brought Pete - I didn't expect any other halfs to be there - except Carol of course as she qualified in her own right! Michael did do well getting in touch with as many as he did, it was a shame that none of the Goodens or Knights made it, would have been nice to see them. I have just thought that Cathy Crocker (now Wood) might have come too - if we do it again I will make a better effort to think and contact people. 'Night for now.

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you were there till the end Laurie. just think that lesley and rebecca and family only stayed for one drink then most of them went to another pub for the rest of the night. would have been nice if they had stayed for the duration. I know Sharon gooden had to work that friday night and thats why she couldn't come. don't know why Keith didn't come though. Was a shame Sean didn't come cos everybody asked where he was. he was missed thats for sure. he would have loved it. I don't know anyone that has ever had a reunion like ours. usually its school reunions.

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You're right Sarah, I don't know of anyone who has done that type of reunion either - much better realy as it encompassed all ages. Am diving about this morning but I will try and get on for a bit of a chat at some point and to see if we are ever going to do it again. Take care, catch you soon x:)

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