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Colonoscopy - anyone had one?

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there are no nerves in the colon so you wont feel anything other than a sense of discomfort.

I thought there were a lot of nerves in the colon. I've had a look around the internet but i lack the energy to do proper research tonight.


I've got Ulcerative Colitis and had to have a colonoscopy about a year and half ago. While it wasn't absoultely awful, it was in no way the best experience of my life. The feeling of a camera turning in your bowel can be compared with no other feeling on earth.

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there are no nerves in the colon so you wont feel anything other than a sense of discomfort. The preparations are worse than the procedure and it is quite interesting if you are able to see what's going on the screen they use to see the internal colon lining.
I bet you say that to all the girls?:o
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I bet you say that to all the girls?:o


simply repeating what my consultants said when it first became a potentially identifiable issue - they were in the top 100 of their field & I really do trust they knew what they were talking. :D


A big part of identifying colon cancer in the early stages is precisely because there is very little, if any, sense of pain. By the time there are signs - eg dark blood in the stools - it is usually at a very advanced stage.

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I had one earlier this year, ask for a sedative but take someone with you & you will be fine.

The benefits of finding out what your problems are far out weigh any discomfort.

They do offer you gas & air, i was on cloud 9 & I found it not as bad as a endoscope, which I have to hae every year.

And I saw all in technicolour. You have to remember I'd spent 2 days starving myself & 1 day drinking absolutely loads of this disguting drink so my bowels were totally clean & as clean as a whistle.

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The colon is innervated by the complex interaction of intrinsic (enteric nervous system) and extrinsic (autonomic nervous system) nerves.

Source: First Principles of Gastroenterology


There's a difference between a nerve which causes the bowel to move in peristaltic fashion and one which gives the bowel surface sensation. I can attest to the fact that the surface of the bowel has no sensory nerves- when I had my last endoscopy the doctor took several samples using a pair of forceps and whilst I was rather nervous about that, it didn't hurt at all.

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  • 1 year later...
The Klean prep stuff is the foulest tasting stuff I've ever had :gag:


you are not kidding there- started my prep today-having one tomorrow (bit worried about it) It kinda reminds me of cream soda smell-i am almost gagging everytime i take a sip-not sure how i am going to manage four liters of the stuff. Just sent out OH to get some lime juice to put in it.

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