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Sheffield 1/2 Marathon 2007 - too late?

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You don't want to be doing too much running in the week of the half mate.

Nothing over 8 miles really.You are better turning up under trained but fresh than tired.

If you aren't after a specific time and just after finishing the race i'd take a disposable camera around with you.


Rother Valey is 3 miles around both lakes and you've done a good time.See how you feel after 3 and keep a check on your times each lap.You'd be better running slower than 9 min at first and then see how you feel later.


Well done for running it.We sometimes forget that most people can't run a mile and don't appreciate what we are doing.

You'll also be a better footballer for it as well.

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Cheers, going to run the 3 laps next week and see how i go! i think if i can do them at a steady pace 10/11 min miles then i would be well happy with that! i want to test myself, so not going to take a camera, am hoping the crowds will carry me through a few miles! Already noticed the difference in my legs with football, cheers for the advice :hihi:

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Can't get it to work, or understand it, it shows America, but can't get it for England.

Training going well, just done 9 miles approx round Rother Valley last night - 1hr 10 mins, so hoping for the sub 2 hour mark now :) Achilles are a bit sore, but apart from that feel good! Only 8 days to go now, 1 more big run for me on Tues and a couple of light ones and that will be it! Bring it on!!! :hihi:

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HI how we all doing?


1 week to go dont forget to take it easy this week and arrive in peak form next sunday.


I just planning some short runs and maybe a bit of biking starting to really look forward to it .


Got some new shoes from keep on running on friday may not wear them for the race though as they are not run in yet but they are similar to what i have had before.

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Did longest run last weekend, 2 hours 10 mins, came home and was sick twice !!! What to do?


See you at the start Fudbeer! You may have gone home by the time I finish.



You be fine see you there :)

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