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Leadmill - Has it gone downhill?


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thing is it did use to be great different stuff on everynight with such a diverse mix of people in every night, but for some reason the powers that bee have made every night the same.

what happenend to la videotec, beat club, and rise????

why are bands coming off stage at 11pm on a saturday when they use to stay on till at least 12


not everyone wants to go to a ''cheesey night ''every night and its full of chavs and townies.

what happenend to the indie kids of 1994-1999??


it was always music factory ''step on'' or city hall ''drop'' on a friday then joyrider on a saturady at leadmill

with a great mix of people and music with no troble occuring ever

well maybe a little scuffle

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Yes Leadmill has really gone down hill it was great 3/4 yrs ago - 3 different rooms with different music - .... now its crap


Last time I tried to get in there it was student night and I was turned away tho im not too old and I was not too drunk :-) its not even as if there was a queue or anything ...


So I for one would love to see the stuck up ******** who run the club go bankrupt and close down and give someone else a chance to run a new decent club somewwhere ...

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Does anybody remember The Steamer from the mid to late eighties? A strange fusion of Hip Hop and House music on a Wednesday that worked surprisingly well.


Two big, very loud speaker stacks, 4 coloured bulbs for lighting effects, a small bar through a hatch (got converted to the cloakroom eventually), toilets filled with cement and drug dealers, condensation dripping from the ceiling.


Absolutely marvelous, it's all been a bit downhill from there...

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