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Old (bus) Inspectors in Sheffield

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I remember Joe Birks very well when I first went bus driving in the 70's, a bit of a character, Barry Parkin was of my era, sad to hear he is no longer with us, living now in Scarborough I tend not to keep in touch with news.

I do know, that contrary to rumours that went around, Maurice Ibbottson is still with us and living at Wisewood.

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Hi locket - right first time. Along with Dave Gill we all went to Granville College for qualifications (Dave now lives in Zimbabwe). When Phil and I enrolled as mature students we had to wait in a long, winding queue with all the other students. Phil said: 'do you realise we are the oldest in this room?' My reply was: 'do you realise that I am a year older than you?'

little malc - thanks for the news of Maurice, I will let Dave Gill know - I hope the shock doesn't cause him to break one of those glasses..... Nice to hear something other than: "Guess who's died" for a change.

Must give Phil a ring.

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