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Old (bus) Inspectors in Sheffield

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the obituary notice in the Star 17/11/15 mentions a Tony Dobson ex SYPTE---I beleve he took over the job that Chalie Deamer had


George Jones took over as Chief Inspector when Charlie Deemer retired this would be around 1966 if I recall correctly Tony was a road Inspector but he was not in the driving School but I did leave STD in 67

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Tony Dobson as far as I can remember never worked in the driving school he moved up from inspecting to the Disciplinary Office followed by Pete Voice, Tony then moved over to become the manager at Rotherham until he retired, I am not 100% on that but it's the best you're getting !!!!!!!

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Second time I was on the buses Alec (Lea I think) was the chief driving instructor and Mick who lived Walkley way was second in command. Mick (sorry I can't remember his surname) was a nice bloke and great instructor as was Tony who also I can't remember second name. Charlie was the boss at East Bank, Eric and Ernest inspectos, also nice blokes at Eat Bank and Pete the regulator made everything work like a dream.

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My uncle was a bus inspector - a Wright


What was his first name please and when was he on the buses? I regret that there were a lot of nice people whoe's surnames I can't remember but most were known by their first name. One inspector whos name I can't remember at all was known as Fireman Bill, not quite sure why but he would stand out of site in a doorway near the bank at the bottom of Staniforth Road waiting to catch a Prince (71) running early. I worked for a short time with one driver who was always pinching time (totally ignored the bell) and pushing the one in front. I had a good laugh at the enormouse ticking off he got from Fireman Bill over the engine cover of a back loader, trouble was I got sheeted as well.

Edited by Boginspro
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Fireman Bill, so named because he was a fireman before coming on buses. Charlie Deemer lived to his nineties and could useually be found at Norton in transport club. One bit of bad news that happened only yesterday (25th Nov) was the passing of Terry Conley's son in St Catherines at only 44.

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Fireman Bill, so named because he was a fireman before coming on buses. Charlie Deemer lived to his nineties and could useually be found at Norton in transport club. One bit of bad news that happened only yesterday (25th Nov) was the passing of Terry Conley's son in St Catherines at only 44.


Thanks for the information, I would not have remembered Charlie's surname but for these posts, though I did know he was a regular in the club. Can you remember Fireman Bill's real name please? I remember the name Terry Conley but can't put a face to it, sad to here of anyone dying so young as his son.

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  • 4 months later...

Came across this thread by accident. Really good to read about all those names from the past, although I'm still in touch with quite a few after taking early retirement in '98.

A couple of good laughs come to mind, Gerry Booth getting trapped in the box on Campo Lane when he fell asleep in there and 'someone' tied the door shut...

Also Cyril St-John Shaw on duty in George St one morning when Bully rang him from High St box and asked Cyril to ring home for him. When Micks wife answered Cyril told her it was West Bar police, they had Mick in custody and he would like to speak to her! Mick only got an ear bending off his missus!

R.I.P. you guys who have passed on. It was a great 22 years!

Also remember some tales about the toilets by the flats at Campo Lane and a certain Insp........:hihi::thumbsup:

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