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Old (bus) Inspectors in Sheffield

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When I was a kid we were always a bit in awe of Bus Inspectors. They always wore immaculate uniforms and always looked rather stern. I think even if we had the correct ticket, there was always the fear that we'd lost it or the inspector might find something wrong with it.


By the way, if you do organise a re-union, be careful about letting the poor old geezers see the present Sheffield transport system in action. They'd probably have at least a wobbler and have to be given a strong cup of tea with something even stronger in it !


Good luck, if it all happens ; part of the vanished life of Sheffield.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Good to know some of us are still alive Don! Terry Conley actually bought our house when we moved to Scarborough, he is struggling on under First Bus, which does not sound like the sort of firm I would like to work for.

Just to put a smile on your face, I still have in use some of those "glasses" wow!!

We certainly had some fun times as well as the dross, but these retirement hours take some beating!


I knew a TERENCE CONLEY that was an inspector but I was told that he'd

sadly died a few years ago. Can anyone verify this!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Thats right caronlel, Roy was in our "mob" he was a little older than me, nice guy.


Can't agree more about Roy,still see him now and again.

He worked with us in the radio room on Arundel Gate and he used to swap shifts with me to enable me to go to evening classes.

Read your blog about Viv, did he actually make ACI, thought he finished in the radio room, whilst Les and Lawman only made Area inspector not ACI.

Anyhow hows life in Scarborough ?

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Can't agree more about Roy,still see him now and again.

He worked with us in the radio room on Arundel Gate and he used to swap shifts with me to enable me to go to evening classes.

Read your blog about Viv, did he actually make ACI, thought he finished in the radio room, any idea what happened to him?

Last I heard [ last week ] Bob Tanner was feeling a bit unwell but at 95 he is allowed a off day. Derek and Bill sadly have passed away some years ago as has Little Plum

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