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Martial arts one to one

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i cant join classes because i have social anxiety disorder which means that all the stress and strain that goes with it would be hard for me to deal with. i would probably join a class once i felt confident in the art.

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Different people want different things from a martial art. Also some people have preferences on what subject matter they like to be taught and what is useless to them.


I have a variety of clients who want different things from training.

Example: I have a group of lads who want mainly boxing but are also interested in a bit of clinching , knees and sprawl work but are not too bothered about kicking.


I have a small group who are in their late 20's all are engineers and quite well educated and not under any delusiuons of becoming the next Ernesto Hoost. They like a good hard workout, a good hard sweat with balance between kicks and boxing sticking a bit of knee and elbow work here and there (for self defense purposes). At the end they will have a few rounds of "body sparring" with each other and then laugh about how they kicked each others backsides :D and had great fun doing it.


Another female client I have, works at a leisurely pace, tells me what shes been up to, shows me her new boots she has just bought,..etc , has a chat about good restuarants ,..etc and enjoys her training.

I know when to push and when to "leave well alone" we have a good workout and a good chat and thats the way she likes it.


Another lad pushes himself to the limit, likes a light spar with me and wants to be taken through the Grading syllabus. He has no desire to compete whatsoever but he already has a Black belt in Karate and high grades in other martial arts. I also take him through pad holding and other aspects should he want to teach someday.


Everyone is in martial arts for a different purpose. People like to be taught differently. If everyone wanted the same thing, everyone would train at the same place.

At AFK we respect individuality both in personality and in peoples previous martial arts background. With people who have trained elsewhere before I dont tell people to forget everything they have learned , I work more on adapting their style to one that works.



Everyone has their own needs and goals to pursue. Different approaches work with different people. Hence why private lessons are a good idea before groups.

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sounds good, just about finding a suitable time to get down there as i have family commitments too. i have had a couple of people email me through this post and upto now 2 have not really been able to meet my needs. i shall keep looking.

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i cant join classes because i have social anxiety disorder which means that all the stress and strain that goes with it would be hard for me to deal with. i would probably join a class once i felt confident in the art.


I see. What is you hope to get out of learning a martial art?


I'm not being critical, just interested in what you're hoping to achieve.

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sounds good, just about finding a suitable time to get down there as i have family commitments too. i have had a couple of people email me through this post and upto now 2 have not really been able to meet my needs. i shall keep looking.



well good luck with it laura - there's plenty of clubs in sheffield so you might find somewhere :)

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self defense and self confidence


You will find that even having private lessons doesn't mean you are going to have the place to yourself.


All it means is that you will have one to one tuition, but the place could be full of people doing the same.


Make sure you ask before booking.

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self defense and self confidence


I thought it might be something like that...


It seems a bit like it's in contradiction though. Wouldn't learning in a group and helping you to overcome the social issues be a more useful self defence than learning a physical skill that hopefully you'll never have to use.

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self defense and self confidence


Self defense is a word that is highly over used these days.

A lot of martial arts clubs claim that their system is useful for self defense. Most of them will get you into more trouble IF you used that system i.e. cause more harm than good.


Now I cant comment on every system out there , but generally :


Judo , Ju jitsu and BJJ are grappling based styles if you like to have a roll around.

Kickboxing, boxing and muay thai are EFFECTIVE striking systems.

Taekwondo , karate and some versions of "kickboxing" are flamboyant and stylised striking systems but have less practical value than the versions mentioned before.


When you mention Kickboxing systems, the street effective variants are those that incorporate thai-style or K-1 style training methods.


AFK : http://www.sheffieldkickboxingclub.com, Wicker camp , Mark Hayes' club (JKD concepts i believe?) on Edmund road (i think), SDF in Malin bridge .

All of those that I mentioned teach an effective version of kickboxing that is useful for competition and is also brutally street effective.


Many kickboxing systems are just modernised versions of Taekwondo or karate. Not saying they are no good, just that they are less practical for "outdoor" use.

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