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People in toilets handing out towels


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I was in the Forum the other night (not my favourite place but my girlfriend likes it and it's open late) and I was disturbed to find they've got staff in the toilets acting, as far as I could tell, as human soap dispensers.

Presumably they've got people in there to try and prevent posers from snorting charlie off the bog seats but surely there's a better way of doing it.

I don't want to be going for a wazz to have bouncers hovering about saying 'Freshen up, man?' (whatever that means) and presumably expecting me to flip a guinea in their direction on my way out. I don't want a tricky social situation everytime I go to the bog and it's JUST NOT SHEFFIELD. Apparently they've also got them in the Halcyon. Down with this sort of thing!

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We went to the November Forum meet at the Classic Rock Bar. The toilets there are close the front door and the street. Strange people were hanging around. Mr. Funke went in and then came back and told me that a junkie looking deadbeat had approached him. The guy said "geeuz a pound" So hubby raised his fist and said "okay, I'll give you a pounding" The guy legged it out and was seen running away down the street. Hubby said it was either me or him and it wasn't going to be me. He's lived in big cities before and knows how to defend himself. He said the guy only wanted money but he couldn't take any chances. After that I got an escort to the toilet. He stood guard while I went in.

Maybe they need bouncers to work in their toilets?

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I'm not a fan of these.


They do seem to be cropping up here and there. Not seen many in Sheffield though but when I was in Dublin earlier in the year there was quite a few there.


One guy I saw was handing out towels for people to dry their hands - of course he had a tub for tips! I'd rather dry my hands on my trousers than be involved in this rubbish.


Also, in some places the toilets are extremely small and these people are taking up room. Abolish them I say. :rant::nono:

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when the new Revolution first opened they had these. They had 2 nigerians (one in each) stuck in there all day and paid pittence. We refused to go back as were all upset by it. I'm assume enough people complained as they stopped having them....

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Well maybe those poor Nigerians are now kept in the celler, scrubbing the floor with thier bare hands, but where you can't see them - or maybe they were just made redundant eh?


Lots of people have rubbish jobs, but what's that got to do with you?

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I HATE toilet attendants. Actually nothing personal against the people employed, just the concept.


I'm 28 years old, I'm perfectly capable of washing my own hands thankyou, I don't need to be pressured into paying someone else to do it for me.


I find that in toilets with such staff, lads including myself actually make a break for the exit without washing hands just to avoid the attendant - and I'm normally obsessive about washing hands after using toilet.


It also makes me laugh when they have such staff in places like Kingdom where the toilets are really grotty - surely they would be better employed cleaning the facilities rather than my hands!

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Originally posted by Andy C

I HATE toilet attendants. Actually nothing personal against the people employed, just the concept.


Couldn't agree with you more, it just makes me feel awkward when I go in the toilets, actually I'm not sure I've met one person who likes having them there which begs the question of why they are employed there in the first place.


I find that in toilets with such staff, lads including myself actually make a break for the exit without washing hands just to avoid the attendant - and I'm normally obsessive about washing hands after using toilet.


yup, I do the same myself, as do a lot of other people that I know.


The toilet attendants all started in London, I noticed there being more and more of them when I went out down there and now it seems that they are spreading over the country like the plague.

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Originally posted by Tony

Well maybe those poor Nigerians are now kept in the celler, scrubbing the floor with thier bare hands, but where you can't see them - or maybe they were just made redundant eh?


Lots of people have rubbish jobs, but what's that got to do with you?

Well, duh.


People get to vote with their feet or their wallets too.


Same reason I try to not buy clothes stitched together by guatemalan child labour.

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