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People in toilets handing out towels


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they have loo attendants in walkabout in doncaster (i tend to go out drinking more there than sheff) & to be honest i'd rather them be there. they have a little table with hair products on & purfume, combs etc & even tho you have to pay for these things i've never payed alot. you dont walk in to a cubicle & there be toilet paper all over the floor or blocking the toilet up & there is always toilet paper in the despenser, it smells nice, the floors & toilets are clean, the lady is always smiling & really nice & chatty. i'd defo them be there to be honest & at the end of the day it is abnother job, another job for someone in sheffield or dancaster so why complain!

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I think there's a definite difference between toilet attendents (those who clean the toilets and ensure sanitry conditions), and people selling aftershave/soap/sweets/hair products.


I have no problem with the former, they ensure the toilets are clean and take a small tip for their services. Its something that's moved accross from Europe and seems to work over there.


The latter make me feel uncomfortable, they take up a large proportion of the washbasin area and can sometimes make you feel somewhat intimidated. I'm not sure what the deal is, whether the bars/clubs pay them.. or as I suspect they just let them use the space. Its also quite strange that they are all of African origin.

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Originally posted by Tony

Are you serious about the above?


Did Vodka Revolution have a team of specially imported Nigerians that were never allowed out of the toilets and shipped around the country for this special task?


I agree that it wouldn't be a career of choice, but so what?


It's hardly 3rd world child labour


Surely they would have never been granted a work permit for such a job, that is of course had Vodka Revolution applied for one.


The only logical explanation would be that they are dependants of someone.

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Originally posted by Andy C


I find that in toilets with such staff, lads including myself actually make a break for the exit without washing hands just to avoid the attendant - and I'm normally obsessive about washing hands after using toilet.



Don't worry too much about that Andy, stage 2 of the process is designed so that the blokes using these bogs don't need to wash their hands afterwards. Have you got my drift yet?



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Also have them in Varsity on West Street, although it seems a little hit and miss, sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not. Doesn't particularly make much difference to me either way, if I'm feeling generous I'll have a spray of cool water and drop them a bob or two, otherwise I'll just wash my hands, say no thank you, and be about my drinking.


And yes, them being African matters how exactly?

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LOL Toilet attendants are cropping up everywhere these days. If you go down south you are likely to find a lot more. I even found one in a toilet in Newquay "Freshen up for dem ponani" were his exact words. They are there generally to make sure the toilets are ok.

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