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People in toilets handing out towels


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Has anyone noticed recently that there are people in many of the toilets of popular sheffield bars and clubs offering you towels/soap/perfume/lollys/tampax etc for an extortionate fee? I know forum has had them for a while but on tuesday there was a woman in the leadmill toilets! those toilets are usually minging and there wasn't even a space for her to put her stuff on. It was just balanced on the sink. I don't object to people wanting to make a living but i hate the way they thrust their towels at you and glare at you if you run out without washing your hands (which i have started doing). There is just no need!

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Originally posted by Tony

Well maybe those poor Nigerians are now kept in the celler, scrubbing the floor with thier bare hands, but where you can't see them - or maybe they were just made redundant eh?


Lots of people have rubbish jobs, but what's that got to do with you?


Quite a lot if you're paying to enter and use their facilities.

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I would like to spring to the defence of the Classic Rock Bar. In the old days when it was the Jolly Buffer. The gents toilets were a no go area, full of druggies. But I have played in a couple of bands there since it has been the CRB, I have played in at least 6 gigs. I have also visited the place regularly since it opened at least once every 3 weeks. And have never come across any thing unsavory in there apart from their hilarious rude cartoon posters.



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Originally posted by Leigh

Quite a lot if you're paying to enter and use their facilities.

I still don't see why it has anything to do with you or me if people want to work handing out towels in lavatories.


If you don't like it then don't go back.

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Originally posted by theimposter

They were camped out in the gents in the leadmill on saturday night. Jeez...what is happening to that place. Poor sod who was doing didnt seem to be getting much business....everybody was ignoring him....


YOU ARE JOKING..... toilet attendants in the Leadmill - is the world going MAD?????


You will have the ludicrious situation where it costs more to use the toilet than buy a vodka and orange!


And if you are paying extra on top of the clubs entry fee to use the toilet you should expect them to be spotless and fully working, not the stinking hole that the Leadmill has!


That said, not many bother washing their hands in the Leadmill anyway, now even less people will, making it a very unhygenic place!

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Do these toilets have the more usual hand drying gear like a roller towel or air blower? Or is the towel offered by the flunky the only one - that seems to be a straight fiddle if you are expected to pay.


Anyway, lots of blokes don't dry their hands in the bog - that's what the peanut bowl on the bar is for - innit?

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The last time I went to the Leadmill, I went in to use the disabled lavatory, and found a couple "having it away" in there!


They had not even bothered to lock the door!


What a jolly jape! (not!!!)


Now, I am no prude, but, god! there's a time and a place for that! (And the disabled loo is not it!)


If the attendants there will put a halt to that, then it can't be all bad!



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