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People in toilets handing out towels


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Originally posted by nuf_said

Do these toilets have the more usual hand drying gear like a roller towel or air blower? Or is the towel offered by the flunky the only one - that seems to be a straight fiddle if you are expected to pay.


Anyway, lots of blokes don't dry their hands in the bog - that's what the peanut bowl on the bar is for - innit?


Ah, but the problem is as soon as you use the sink the attendant pounces. The trick is to wait until he is handing someone a paper towel and quickly rinse your hands and leg it before he can turn his attention to you.

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  • 7 months later...

Does anybody know why you can't go to the loo in a bar these days without being hassled for money?


Do bar owners genuinly think this is a good idea or are these people there out of intimidation? Are bar owners scared to turn them away in fear of the consequences?


I travel quite a bit and have noticed these people in every town/city I go out in.

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The toilet attendants don't get paid... they're there on a self employed basis.

You use some of their product then they want paying, I personally think it's a little crass having them in toilets because it can be a little off putting when you've been to the loo and someones trying to get £££ out of you.


Just don't use the products on offer and tell them to naff off if they get in your face.

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It's especially bad at the Walkabout, where you can hardly even squeeze between the table containing all the aftershaves and the wall in order to get to the sinks.


There is also something very dodgy indeed about the whole practice.

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I think the main reason why men find this weird and offputting is because going to the loo is not a time for talking to strangers or indeed having a stranger spraying aftershave onto your groin area as you leave which is apparantly "for the ladies" which is what happened to me in the Forum and I didn't like it because then ladies were smelling my groin and my boyfriend didn't think it was very nice and it cost me a pound. The end.

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I'm not a big lover of this new practice. I just to go in, do what i have to do and go out, no fuss, no chat.


I put my aftershave etc on BEFORE i go out and don't need a top up.


I object to somebody trying to help me wash my hands (i'm not 3 years old) and then trying to charge me for the privilege.


Personally i find it intrusive.

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Adds a whole new dimension to "spending a penny" doesn't it?!:heyhey:


I went t'toilet when I was out and, being the impeckable hygenist I am, went to wash my hands afterwards. As I proceded to the sinks, a very nice gentleman squirted liquid soap into my hands, THATS ALL, and was disgusted when I only gave him a quid. HOW RUDE!!:rant:

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