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Anyone from Gleadless?

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I remember Ann Cooling, dark curly hair, you and her were close, one of you were nicknamed Floss, have a feeling it was you. I left Sheffield at the end of 70 and came to Manchester, I wanted to manufacture men's shirts and took a temporarily job making babywear and millinery, which I'm still doing, the last 40yrs for myself.  The only times I come over to Sheffield is to visit graves or to watch Wednesday, and that's not that often these days. As a kid growing up you couldn't have wished for a better playground than Gleadless Valley.       Stuart

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Ann came to GVSS 2 years after us and I think she felt a bit of an outsider at first. I befriended her as she was into all things sport like myself especially hockey. She emigrated to Sydney with her parents when she was about 17. I lost contact with her not long after that. She used to go out with a lad called Clive Taylor I think he was in the year below us.

I was offered a place at Uni to be a P.E. and Geography teacher but turned it down my dad was fuming needless to say. But they say things happen for a reason and I did go on to have a really good job working for the Government. 
I can remember going to a GVSS reunion a couple of years before it was demolished.  Can’t honestly say I saw any familiar faces there. If anyone’s reading this and you went shout out.

I had an idea you followed the Owls. I’m a Blade through and through.

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Hi Lorraine

I'd be pleased but surprised if anyone was reading this post. My niece asked if anyone knew me about 10yrs ago, with no response, and I knew loads of people on that estate. A few years later I was looking to see if anyone had replied when I came across your name and started talking to Ronnie Severs, we mentioned loads of people we both knew, still nobody. Ronnie private messaged me and we spoke for a good while off the forum. Maybe everyone in our year is dead and we are the only two left alive. My sister is on some GVSS face book site and someone sent her a pic of our year Rugby team and apart from Pash and Sam Ridley I can't put names to faces. I've given her a pic of our year football team, with me on it, Not sure if she has done anything with it yet. I must have a thing about Owls I've kept Eagle Owls for most of my adult life. Well you could be promoted tonight and we are in the sodding playoffs

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Hi Stuart, there must be others out there we can’t be the only two alive out of our year 🤣. The thing is unless you know about this site you’re no wiser. Take me for example I didn’t find it until I started searching for my cousin. But now I’m aware I’ll just keep visiting  the site on the off chance that someone else we know appears.  You never know.
Just nursing a hangover from last night

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Well aren't you the lucky one. I don't get hangovers, but just for once, I'd like to get one after celebrating something Wednesday had achieved. Did you go last night? I've only been a few times this season, I was going to go the last game, but after the mess they've made, I really can't be arsed. There's a monthly Northern Soul alldayer I like to attend, that Sunday, I'd sooner go there. Hate to say this but, well done United you deserve it.   Stu.

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I'm still alive and kicking last time I checked.  I can remember all the names you all mention but can't work out/place you guys.


I lived on Bankwood Rd until 1976 went to GVSS '63 to '68


Sad to hear Ernie Oliver had left us and Phil Dawtry too.  A good mate of mine was Peter Reaney who passed on some year ago now.

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I'm glad you're still alive, well at least that's three of us. I knew Peter Reaney had died, Ronnie Severs had told me. Phil Dawtry and me were friends from Hemsworth infants until I moved from Sheffield in 1970, so it was sad to hear he'd died, it's a long time ago now, he wasn't that old. I'm sure Mick Archibould and Paul Fisher lived on Bankwood. Did you know Dave Rogers and Lawrence Henry, they lived down that part of the estate.

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We moved from Arbourthorne in 1960 onto Bankwood and Paul Fisher ( lived at 459 Blackstock Road near Mick Archibald) was in the same class as me, 2nd year juniors, at Arbourthorne North (attached to Norfolk Secondary).  So we used to walk home together until we went to Rollestone school (now backwood) in April 1961.  My teachers at Rollestone were Miss Turley, Mrs Barrett and in 4th Yr that board ruler swinging nutter, Frank Schofield.  What was wrong in that guy's head to think bending lads over the corner of a desk and wacking them hard with a metre board ruler was ok and more often than not for sometimes getting sums wrong.  It was child abuse, we were ten years old for ffs!!


Lawrence Henry lived near me on Plowright Drive and on and off we hung around together. Similar situation with lots of mates, we often were all over each other and next thing we treated each other like radioactive dog crap.  Some time ago I posted a photo of Mrs Barretts class (1961-1962) and I could name all of them including Peter Reaney, Steven Belk, Kenny Gill, Andrew Cotton etc.  I remember Ronnie Severs was a great swimmer and conversely I am not.  My wife is an open water swimmer, swimming regularly in Pickmere Lake at 6:15am, bloody mad.


In '67 I dated a girl on our road and ten years later we married (yes the mad open water swimmer).  Moved to Manchester in 1977, started an IT business in 1984 and it's still running today with my daughter as MD based in Knutsford.


But I have fab memories of Sheffield and especially the people and those on the Valley.  Smashing place to be young, climbing trees, making dens, going in the barns at the farm at the top of what is now a wasteland due to it being a tip.  I'd  love to know which brain dead duffer thought it would be a good idea to trash what was essentially good farming land to create a terraced refuse tip, immediately next to an infants and junior schools.  And, putting the Meersbrook through a culvert which at one stage had raw sewage in it as it emerged near the cottage on Cat Lane.  Before the tip arrived I remember the meadow in the bottom and the brook was a lovely leisure spot where we spent hours playing.  Anyway, rant over.


Even though we live 50 miles from the Valley, it can take 2 hours to get there so I don't get back much.




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