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Anyone from Gleadless?

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On 31/05/2023 at 11:13, Donside 6 said:

I'm glad you're still alive, well at least that's three of us. I knew Peter Reaney had died, Ronnie Severs had told me. Phil Dawtry and me were friends from Hemsworth infants until I moved from Sheffield in 1970, so it was sad to hear he'd died, it's a long time ago now, he wasn't that old. I'm sure Mick Archibould and Paul Fisher lived on Bankwood. Did you know Dave Rogers and Lawrence Henry, they lived down that part of the estate.


I'm good with memories and names but I can't place you Stuart, sorry.  I should be able to because just like everyone else in our year, I too admired LT and you will have been a rival ha ha😀

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Hi ,

Yes I lived on Blackstock rd, in the early 70's & 80's , and have very happy memories of living in a very large flat above the shops, right next to the Blackstock pub. We all had big balcony's with a fantastic view of Gleadless Valley.  I can recall when you could just walk into the Medical Centre in front of the bust stop & get an appt then & there, wow!  And we just used to nip downstairs to the shops & does anyone remember the Fish & Chip shop run by Mother, Bro & Sister, they were great people. I also remember Oliver's butchers shop just below our flat, and Michael Oliver alway's waving to me when I passed the shop coming home from work, yes we did fancy each other,   They moved the business onto Ecclesall rd later on.  Knew all the shop owners, Smedley's & sons, hairdressers, etc as they were all living in the flats above their shops as well.  Happy day's as a young girl working in Sheffield city centre & spending my lunch in the Stone House or the Buccaneer pubs, I used to go in under age, but it was so dark in there, nobody even noticed ...then into the Dove & Rainbow, and into High court for a fantastic sandwich from The Attic, wow does anyone remember it, great coffee smell alway's in the air outside ?   omg, now need a time machine !!!

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23 hours ago, Donside 6 said:

Rival? No she only had eyes for me ha ha. How far have you gone back on this post, if you haven't already, go back to page 68, my user name was Windswept then. 

Good one Stuart on LT.  Didn't she move to 111 Prince of Wales Road mid to late 60's?  We had the same form teacher, Harry Whitehouse, Sept 66 to mid 68.  We once had to call our addresses out to Whitehouse for registration purposes I think and when LT called her address out, every lad's pen started scratching it down on paper.  Seems like everyone had an interest, not just you ha ha. It was so funny I can remember it like it was yesterday.

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Don't know, she lived on the Herdings in 66 when we went out, I can't remember why we stopped seeing each other. I started going out with Carol Grubb for a couple of years after that. Are you on the school photo at Granville college, did you play for the school football team.

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My final comment of LT and not withstanding her looks, I remember her as being a very nice person though I doubt she would have reciprocal views.  In my defence, my sophistication took some time to emerge and some would suggest that it never did ha ha


Anyway Stuart, to answer your question, I was aware of the people involved with the miniature mechanical pump at Granville at the time but I was not in that photo.  I was a racing cyclist and despite having two football mad brothers, I was and still am not into football.  Ironically I live very near famous footballers at MUFC in fact my hairdresser in Knutsford also looks after the few remaining hairs on one Sir Bobby Charlton's head and Brian Clough's son lived on the same road as us when he was at Man City.


Interesting that you came to Manchester in 1970 and I came over this side of the pennines in 1977.  That's when I married my childhood sweetheart also from the Valley.  She went to teacher training college in Manchester and I landed a plum job with a computer control equipment company which gave me the time and knowledge to start my own IT company in 1984.  After that, there was never a chance to return to Sheffield which we'd planned to do.


I still miss Sheffield's though.

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I guessed that one of the lads on the Granville photo was you, I thought you were maybe Keith Kidd, obviously not, so you still have me at a disadvantage. I'm surprised you knew it was some kind of pump, I'd forgot until Ronnie told me some 6yrs ago. I've never missed Sheffield really, I wanted to be in the fashion business and Manchester was the place, this is my 53rd year and although it hasn't made me rich, I've done ok and I've enjoyed most of those years. Although I said I don't miss Sheffield, if there was ever another Battle of the Roses, I would have to fight for Yorkshire..........Stu

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Hi Bankwood you are correct LT did move to the address you quoted earlier in October 66 but continued to go to GVSS until July 68. Wasn’t aware that there was that much male interest in her but Stuart would always remain the one she had a ‘crush’ on. 
By the way Lawrence Henry and Paul Gregory went on to work at James Neill Tools. Both married with children. 
Was there a lad called Melvin Earnshaw in our year? Can you shed any light or am I just imagining the name?

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Hi Pies, great to see you're still around and I hope you're well.  Of the names you mention, I can only recall Lawrence and the only Gregory I recall was Mick Gregory who was a pal of Kenny Gill.

I don't recall how it came about but I spoke on the phone with LT sometime around 1978 after I'd moved to Manchester and she was a Mrs Booth.


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