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Anyone from Gleadless?

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Hi Gritter,

No it is my younger brother who is anthony, I am paul, yes fids lived just above the maisonnettes on middle hay view and i worked on the post with steve paylings dad ray, i am sure john coleman went to the same school as us, did he live on the maisonnettes where the bus stop at the side of the wyvern is ? was he downstairs under the ords ?


hi paul i remember you six foot two or more i would have been on eye level with your knee caps {being such a short arse }Iuse to hang around with the woodys.paddy&cockeye.your shaun&jonty.i was with your shaun about a month ago watching united on telly with pete wood .well i was trying to watch united but he insisted on showing me the stuff he had got on his mobile{that passed a hour on}still see he has got that infectious laugh anyway hope you are alright all the best :thumbsup::headbang::thumbsup:

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does anyone remember the jubb's,scotts and addinalls of overend way.


yes and the fletchers and the browns(all girls both families) think one of the browns jeanette emigrated to australia

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I have been having a bit of a clear out and to my suprise I have found an old autograph album dated 1964/65 - that was round about the time that I left Gleadless Valley.

Here's the names and If you are reading this I hope you are all well and wish you all the best.

Michael Drabble,Carol Charlesworth,Stanley Lake,John Broughton,Philip Slack,S Shaw,Susan Cartwright,S Barrass,S Bullimore,Philip Levick,Kathryn Ward,Anita Fletcher,Janet Ward,Christine Eastwood,Kath Sides,A Sawden,Anne Theaker,Roger Rhodes,Iris Sanby,Shirley Wilson,Hazel Reading,Andrea Woodcock,Mary Shepherd,Jaqueline Newbold,Terence Pigott,K Sykes,Niel Sykes,Howard King,J Woods,S Knowles,Michael Ramsden,D Stevenson and Cynthia,( I think Spafford)

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Hi Beamish (Chris), Thank you for solving that mystery -I do remember your name wish I could put a face to you tho'- how long did you live on the block for? I'm ashamed to say you remember much more than I do. :sad:

The little gray 'leaf' bins just seemed to disappear overnight - Sezemeseeds- your Mom had hers tho long after everyone elses had gone- now why do I remember that? Saw your Mom today going to Dr's- told Dad to pip her but the dozy old sod couldn't find the horn -(hope that's not a problem we'll get as we get older?). Hope they sort her that foot out soon.

What an experience, my Dad gave me a lift to garage 'cos my car thought it was a tractor all the way home from Whitby this weekend (exhaust blowing something awful). Dad thinks the white lines in the centre of road are for him to drive on not at to the left of!

Someone was asking about the Stones' - I remember them, lovely girls - dark haired- they lived in the top patio house more or less opposite the Goodens. Dennis was a lovely man-and he was always very dapper.

Nice to see one of the Hinchcliffes on the site-Hi Paul.:)

Saw Maxine Swaby v recently at a pal's wedding (along with Helen Duroe)-I do bump into Maxine occasionally, usually with her Mom - still living somewhere local I'm sure. Later-hopefully, work in am.

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Saw Maxine Swaby v recently at a pal's wedding (along with Helen Duroe)-I do bump into Maxine occasionally, usually with her Mom - still living somewhere local I'm sure. Later-hopefully, work in am.


Awwww...Helen Duroe, my first ever crush at Gleadless Valley School (I had lots!), tall, long dark hair, gorgeous, got a picture of me and her younger sister somewhere (Christine?), taken on the "Black Path" coming down from Herdings park in the snowy winter of 1979. And your "best mate/worst mate depending on the phase of the moon" Collette Gibson danced with me at the school leaving disco, last dance of the night and all that....I don't think I ever saw her after that, another crush of mine!

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does anyone remember the stones girls (dilys and vicky) and the browns and fletchers girls off overend all girl famlies lost touch with them all years ago was at school with dilys and tina fletcher would love to hear about any of them

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I have been having a bit of a clear out and to my suprise I have found an old autograph album dated 1964/65 - that was round about the time that I left Gleadless Valley.

Here's the names and If you are reading this I hope you are all well and wish you all the best.

Michael Drabble,.......................................,Philip Slack,.)


I remember these two.


Philip Slack was a mate of mine, and my mum told me I had to stay away from Mick Drabble.

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Yeah I remember the Ashton's, vaguely, Sharon & co. wasn't it. Only used to bump into them when we went up the the mobile shop/van thing that used to park on the garages opposite their block, just in front of the block where Jayne Tomlinson, Andrea Gosling and Sheri Mellor lived.


Remember Jayne and Andrea and I lived on the same block of maisonnettes as Sheri Mellor (Middle Hay View) and went to school with her but she was in a diferent set to me at T'rAshleigh. I lived next door to Linda and Karen Stevens - Sheri was 3 doors down from us I seem to think. Know what u mean about not hanging about with folk from down the road - we used to play in the field nd in the woods across Leighton Rd next to were the Ashtons, lived but seldom went any further down towards Blackstock unless we got word of a new rope swing worth trying out... Happy times riding my chopper bike thro those woods.

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