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Anyone from Gleadless?

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I also remember (names only, not faces)Philip Slack and Peter Reaney, I think they were in my year at Gleadless S.M.


My form teacher at school was called Hilary.G.Pearson,her handwriting was beautiful, isn't it funny the things you remember ?


I lived round the corner from The Jolly's, and used to pal around with their daughter but I can't think of her first name.!!!!



I am a member of the Jolly family and I think the daughter you are referring to was Christine, she lived there with my grandparents Stan & Ethel and their children; Brian, Alan & Dennis (my dad). I am currently researching my family tree and would love to discuss the Jolly's with you further to get some anecdotal evidence. Please get in touch.



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  • 1 month later...
Got to say growing up on G.V was a great experience. Reading all your posts brings back fond memories of people and places. I have not been back to the valley for over 20 years and feel sorrow at its demise.


I lived on Overend Drive and would hang around with John Sullivan, Andrew Roper and then Mark White. Of course there was the likes of Sharon Fletcher and Tina Marsden to keep us smiling..


When we grew up to our drinking days the Horse and Groom and the John O' Gaunt where the ones. Then we lost Daryl Wilde and Mark Bell ( Belley ) along the way R.I.P. We loved the Valley and lived for the weekends Friday at the Limit or the Crazy Daisy,Saturdays at the Rank ( Top Rank). Always on the late night bus home it was great, brilliant banter fuelled by copeous amounts of alcohol and there was never really any **** it did not matter if you came from Heally, Newfeild or G.V....... Great Times!!


Anyone know any news about Glenn Robinson, Glynn Machin, Phil Rose Mick Lindley, Craig Schemelled, Steve and Paul Senior, Gary Carr, Mark Platts, Gary Scholley and Anthoney Neil. They would all be about 42 to 46 years old now.


Take Care



i no gary scholly he drinks in the horse and groom between 6 and 8 every day.
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I am a member of the Jolly family and I think the daughter you are referring to was Christine, she lived there with my grandparents Stan & Ethel and their children; Brian, Alan & Dennis (my dad). I am currently researching my family tree and would love to discuss the Jolly's with you further to get some anecdotal evidence. Please get in touch.




Sorry Amanda,I have only just read your message,I do remember the Jolly's but it is so long ago(1963/4)I don't think I could help you with your family tree,although I do remember names from that time in my life I don't really remember details.

If I can help in any way,please get in touch.


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  • 4 months later...

I just came across this page by accident, it brings back so many memories I lived first on Overend Rd i think or drive then my dad died and we moved onto Plowright Close, i first went to Herdings School because rowlston had not been built yet, then i went to gleadless Valley SM school, My mom just died but lived in that house since i was 10, and im 57 now I have never been able to find anyone that went to school with me in the 1962 to 1966 it would be great if I could. I also new the whole Gooden family and funny but when my mom died Mrs Gooden was given my moms Home on Plowright Close, small world. I hope i hear from some on you it would be great. Josie

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Stumbled on this site by accident and had a right giggle at some of the memories and names I remember.

My name is Neil, I lived on Fleury Rd between 1966 and 1991 (the house with the flat roofed electrical sub-station next to it,my mum and dad still live there!)

I can remember loads of people from back then but the only one posting who I remember is Potlegs(Laurie).

Anyone remember me?

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not been on here for a while and only just spotted this thread, i recognise alot of the names mentioned and to add a few more, lowe's, hardy, charlton (although he lived across the little bridge in the tower houses), knights, gurnells (sp?), fords, lindley's, hull's, fell's, milligans, denim's, grattan's, god it brings back memories, the red van, jumping the hedges of the holy cross church, playing madman in the woods, jumping the garages on the bottom of spotswood, football on the wyvern carpark,


i'm russell boyce (btw) lived on spotswood from 1970-1996, now living in adelaide australia for the last 14 months, and although great memories of the valley, dont think i'd ever come back, its not the same anymore, or maybe just for a visit in a few years.

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