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Anyone from Gleadless?

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Sorry for the error, sis. And by the way, welcome to the forum.


No problem. By the way, in a earlier posting you were wondering about someone with the nickname spud, you said it rang a bell. Unless my ancient memory is playing tricks on me, I seem to remember you having a mate known as PUD, woz that who you were thinking of?

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My eldest brother, Robert, would have been 9 in '65. I remember, the Bayliss's, the Jollies, John Bottomley, Ian Brady, Robert Burton, the Jarmans, the Wards, the Deakins, a chap called Craig (who had no legs), Zoe Pashley and many more...

I went to Ashleigh School, had to walk up Gleadless hill / the quarry path every morning!


Hi, hope you are well. I am that chap with no legs. Craig and I lived on Plowright Mount. Andrew Croxton, who I keep in touch with, also lived there and Zoe Pashley. Everything has changed so much and NOT for the better. Did you live near Phillipa and Leslie?

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I just came across this page by accident, it brings back so many memories I lived first on Overend Rd i think or drive then my dad died and we moved onto Plowright Close, i first went to Herdings School because rowlston had not been built yet, then i went to gleadless Valley SM school, My mom just died but lived in that house since i was 10, and im 57 now I have never been able to find anyone that went to school with me in the 1962 to 1966 it would be great if I could. I also new the whole Gooden family and funny but when my mom died Mrs Gooden was given my moms Home on Plowright Close, small world. I hope i hear from some on you it would be great. Josie


Hi I was born on Plowright Mount in 62. My name is Craig and I used to go round in a whizzbang or a wheelchair. Dont think you will remember me but just wanted to say HI.

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Hi smuf,


The name Zoe Pashley rings a bell, but I can't picture her. Was she a small slender girl with dark hair?


At that time I lived on Farmstead Close, which is why I knew Kathryn & Wendy Oats. Do you remember the time that tractor rolled off the building site (where the 'Funny Farm' used to be) into Gary Ward's house, it cause quite a stir and was on the local news and everything. Took them AGES to fix the house, 'cause it caused quite a lot of damage.

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do youi know the family that lived in Gary Ward's house recently wanted to buy it off council but found out it had structrural (?) damage. they moved out and bought somewhere else and council moved another family in it. didnt do anything to house, was never any scaffolding up or anything. dont think new family knows about that.

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do youi know the family that lived in Gary Ward's house recently wanted to buy it off council but found out it had structrural (?) damage. they moved out and bought somewhere else and council moved another family in it. didnt do anything to house, was never any scaffolding up or anything. dont think new family knows about that.



Oooh!, That was naughty of them wasn't it! Perhaps someone ought to tell them (not that I'm volunteering!), or perhaps not, maybe it would cause too much upset and worry.


Olliemol, did you grow up in gleadless then? Which Schools did you go to?

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Hi smuf,


The name Zoe Pashley rings a bell, but I can't picture her. Was she a small slender girl with dark hair?


At that time I lived on Farmstead Close, which is why I knew Kathryn & Wendy Oats. Do you remember the time that tractor rolled off the building site (where the 'Funny Farm' used to be) into Gary Ward's house, it cause quite a stir and was on the local news and everything. Took them AGES to fix the house, 'cause it caused quite a lot of damage.


I have special cause to remember this happening... it was my uncle who was driving the crane off the building site which overshot, and went down the bank into the house. It took the whole corner of the house, out of the kitchen and living room!

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