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Anyone from Gleadless?

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I lived in Gleadless from 1958 to 1980 with breaks living abroad. I get back to Sheffield now and again. It's a shame to see the Valley as it is. I remember just about everyone mentioned, and most were friends and schoolmates. I learn't of Peter Reaney's sad passing and I often wonder if I will ever bump into anyone again.

I lived on Leighton Rd. Went to Rollestone and Matthews Lane, used to walk there and back every day, other people I remember are Paul Fisher, Eric Pashley, Dave Rodgers, Ken Gill Les Cunningham. Lynn Ward The Sykes Brothers. Lorraine Transfield, (WoW). Lorraine Askam, Christine Goodlad, Pamela Hewitt. Etc Etc.

Is there anyone out there!!!

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Originally posted by expat

We moved to Gleadless in 72.I was 10 so Iloved having a house with 3 floors.


The green family Spring Close Mount 96.Anyone remember welived next door to the Kennedys brothers Alan and Jim.


I live in Holland so I am very curious how it is there now .Are the houses still standing.


REmember there was alot of woods around had great time there as a child.


Herdings junior school does it still exist did anybody go there?


herdings school merged with constable roadschool, recently, and a new school was built on the site of herdings school.


it's now called "Valley Park Primary".


I had a maisonette on Leighton rd, for a while, but it was not pleasant at that time, with the anti social element that we had next door.


Yes, the wonderful thing about the design of the Valley, and the buildings that were put up was that they used the beautiful natural landscape and woodland, and the estate won loads of awards for the design.


it was lovely, growing up on the Valley. really idyllic. I was there from birth to the age of 10, moving off there, in 1974.


It ws a huge pity that the estate was permitted to go to rack and ruin, with the druggies and "Undesireables".



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Originally posted by 399Leighton

Lorraine Transfield, (WoW). Lorraine Askam, Is there anyone out there!!!


Oh yeah, remember them both well:thumbsup:


My tiny legs often went to jelly because of those two:heyhey:

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  • 2 weeks later...

moved onto the valley in1956 aged 3 went to Hemsworth infants and juniors then up to the secondary modern at Matthews lane Mr Hughs headmaster Miss uperdine headmistress Mr Roach deputy head but he left and Mr Cooper arrived remember most of teachers recently been in contact with Clive Cooper ( geography) remember him ? met him again whilst he was in Sheffield on a college reunion he hasn't altered at all. Valley was a brilliant school enjoyed all my time there

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Originally posted by twinky1

I remember their depot was near anns road school, somewhere between gleadless road and richards road.




Would you know if Taggs were still in business?? [/b]



taggy's owner died and took the recipe to the grave with him.



I bet some of you lot know my dad and my uncle


geoff and fred Swindells

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Originally posted by 399Leighton

I knew Fred Swindells, small dark haired guy, went to school with him. In fact I believe he was in my class.

I am correct in assuming he lived on Gleadless Road at the Townend at some point?


no my nan and grandad lived on blackstock road just after the big bend lol.


fred is older than geoff, geoff is my dad

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Hi all


I went to Gleadless Valley Comp 1974-79 and lived on Morland Road, I used to goto Herdings Youth Club which was run by Ted Jenkins MBE. Anybody that knows me will guess with my nickname and can contact me freely if they wish.



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