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Why is it so hard to get a doctors appointment?

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It's a nightmare.


Me - Can i have an appointment please.

Receptionist - Sorry we are full today.

Me - Can i book an appointment ?

Receptionist - No we don't do that, you have to ring between 8.30 - 9.30 on the day.

Me - but i've been doing that for over a week and i just can't get through.

Receptionist - Sorry there's nothing i can do.

Me - *Visits the walk in centre*.

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If you can't get an appointment at the surgery then say you want a home visit by the doctor, it's amazing how they then manage to find you an appointment at the surgery !!! Works every time.


Yeah i could do that but i like my doctors and don't want to lose their services, which i'm sure i would eventually doing this.

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It has probably been discussed before, but I rang today for a doctor's appointment for my wife. She has been treated for high blood pressure, but was feeling very poorly. I was told she could see her usual G.P. in 3 weeks, or one of the other doctors in the practice in 10 days. There was some 5 minute appointments left but I would have to ring in at a certain time to book one.

I asked if I could book it there and then, but was told "No you will have to ring in at the time I told you and will the consultation only take 5 minutes" not being a doctor I am afraid I could not tell her.

I know that it may sound strange ,but she isn,t poorly in 10 days or 3 weeks , she is poorly now .What a strange society we live in.


if your doctor cannot/will not give you a reasonably timed appointment or a home visit ask them if they recommend an ambulance to hospital, and if you have to go this route be sure that the folks at hpspital are maed aware

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It has probably been discussed before, but I rang today for a doctor's appointment for my wife. She has been treated for high blood pressure, but was feeling very poorly. I was told she could see her usual G.P. in 3 weeks, or one of the other doctors in the practice in 10 days. There was some 5 minute appointments left but I would have to ring in at a certain time to book one.

I asked if I could book it there and then, but was told "No you will have to ring in at the time I told you and will the consultation only take 5 minutes" not being a doctor I am afraid I could not tell her.

I know that it may sound strange ,but she isn,t poorly in 10 days or 3 weeks , she is poorly now .What a strange society we live in.


Mine has a drop in,in the morning,usually done and dusted in 30 mins.

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................bring back then old days when you sat for (in my case the longest was 1hour and 45 minutes!) to see the Dr. At least you knew you would be seen. They do a 3-4 day week for over £100.000 plus 'perks' not a bad number if you can do it. My GP still has the 0844 number which is a nightmare, it costs fortune. You get through then it's 'one for this two for that' etc you press the service you need and then it tells you the 'line is busy'. Some time ago I waited for over 10 minutes to get through, at 48p per minute not funny.........

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It has probably been discussed before, but I rang today for a doctor's appointment for my wife. She has been treated for high blood pressure, but was feeling very poorly. I was told she could see her usual G.P. in 3 weeks, or one of the other doctors in the practice in 10 days. There was some 5 minute appointments left but I would have to ring in at a certain time to book one.

I asked if I could book it there and then, but was told "No you will have to ring in at the time I told you and will the consultation only take 5 minutes" not being a doctor I am afraid I could not tell her.

I know that it may sound strange ,but she isn,t poorly in 10 days or 3 weeks , she is poorly now .What a strange society we live in.


But you were offered an earlier appointment, you just had to ring at the correct time. Of course you couldn't tell them how long the consultation would be (that was a daft question to ask you) but I think your dcotor would be unlikely to lob your wife out if it went on any longer than 5 minutes.

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................bring back then old days when you sat for (in my case the longest was 1hour and 45 minutes!) to see the Dr. At least you knew you would be seen. They do a 3-4 day week for over £100.000 plus 'perks' not a bad number if you can do it. My GP still has the 0844 number which is a nightmare, it costs fortune. You get through then it's 'one for this two for that' etc you press the service you need and then it tells you the 'line is busy'. Some time ago I waited for over 10 minutes to get through, at 48p per minute not funny.........


If a doctor only works for three days then how many hours does he work in that week?If you are paying 48 pence a minute for 0844 then change your doctor and your telecoms provider.

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I can't complain about mine at all, they are brilliant. For an emergency appointment yes you have to call from 8.30 for that day but I always have managed to get in for either myself or one of the children. I've even turned up with no appointment with my son before practice started to get an appointment and when one of the GPs saw him he took us straight in.

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