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Anybody like Risk?

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On a Sunday Devonshire Arms Ecclesall Rd has a load of 'GO' Players, you could take the conservatory either on Sunday whichever tables are left? Or Tues-Thurs no charge. Plenty of parking and on a lot of main bus routes. Drop in or call James on 07855 233390.

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havent had the internet for a couple of days, and a few posts!


If you like playing online, lUX and mission risk are fine BUT


by far the best is dominate game (look it up) its free (apart from a small banner, and only a couple of unrequired features). You get a rating and stuff, can be annoyingly addictive, and people can be quite offensive sometimes, if you dont play how they want you too, but if you can handle that its wicked. It also has chat (im under as Jammy Jammy1 Jammy2) so if anyone joins look for me and we can chat/stroke play!


But saying that i cant imagine it will quite match a sunny day in a beer garden so lets organise it! Anyone that would like to play, but havent played for a while all the better i say!


If your definately in, post saying so, and we'll work out when and where!


tha's got me addicted to this n'all now, it's ace!

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