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Vodka revolution


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I found myself there last night at a small function (without my dog) and boy what a place it still is ! The music was half decent - a mixture of current pop and old skool rave .. and Justin Beiber, but the endless procession of people in (and out!) on a Saturday evening was a sight for sore eyes ... age range is predominantly 20s to 40s with the odd 50+ (like me) standing out like a sore thumb ! A sea of drunken lads, hipsters, gals, celebrity wanna be girls , several girls on the way down the main steps treated us to a shimmy show and then spread their arms and dived into a sea of alcoholic and shot fuelled hedonism .. one corner annoyingly in front of an already packed bar was taken up by a party of young lads and very intoxicated lasses who decided to set up an impromptu small dancing area making the already achingly long wait of 10 mins at the bar (while a barista showed off his ****, tail skills to half fainting girlies) even more hellish as one gyrating young female ground her body up against mine and then accidentally knocked her noggin against mine with a cursory sorry - any longer and I felt I would lose my trousers as well as my pounds !!


Meantime as we are into December and as if that were not bad enough , cue more hoards of outrageously dressed Christmas party mobs descending on the scene to make it even more bizarre , everything from skinny blokes dressed as Santas (skinny Santas??!!) , women in red ermine and slit slinky dresses, Xmas jumpers to throw up at or looked like my dog had already coughed up a sea of fluff on them. and for some reason Santas little helpers i.e. elves seem to be the "fashion du jour" this year ! with their tight wonky green costumes and sticky out ears .... meantime in the sea of all this carnage , in come groups of heavily made up, ringletted sultry sexy celebrity football wives wanna be's all curves and shapely bodies taking endless selfies as they almost fall down the stairs on shots with lads showing off gyrating energetically competing to be the best dancer with their tongues out ... nature and the mating phenomenon at its most RAW !!


Having said all that I quaked with terror to know that at some point I had to cross the long floor of all this mess to get to the other side and up the stairs to the gents - why cant they have another stairs near the main door?! , but actually the ordeal was not as bad as I had feared as well-mean looking fit muscular "townie" guys politely stood out of the way for little me and the stunning women swivelled politely so that my eyes were not prodded by their you know whats ! ...


I must admist the security staff were running the place to a T and very efficient and alert .. I dont know how they managed all this bedlam and it is a tribute to their professionalism that for my period there I saw no trouble ,,,


However I have concluded that were it not for having to attend that function , it were nowhere to be for a man of my age and I looked forward very much to straight home afterwards with my feet up beside the fire, my pipe and slippers , and stroking my dog !!!

Edited by Roger123W
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