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What is the longest you have stayed awake for?


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That is as dangerous as driving drunk or drugged, and you come on a Forum to mention it? Glad I don't have to be anywhere on the roads today with idiots like you on them.


No it isn't, you don't stay tired and you get a second burst which is natural, we're capable of staying awake and been alert for long periods of time, it's been with us since caveman times when we had to be alert for long periods of time hunting.

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It is indeed normal for people to ask questions, but when the people who ask are asking questions which are well beyond their remit, it's hardly usual.


As a matter of interest (and I've no intention of staying awake beyond 'normal bedtime')


Why on earth would you be remotely interested? - Are you a sexual predator?

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Around 39 hours. It was when I was in labour with my daughter (27 hours) and gave birth just before 7 in the morning. I was so excited to see her that I couldn't sleep til that evening - just laid there watching her sleep :D Once it caught up with me I slept for about 12 hours, minus some feeds and changes.

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the impulse to sleep is strong. You will only usually stay awake for a period of 36 hours under conditions of extreme stress and lots of loud noises and even then, you will probably be asleep for short periods. Going without sleep for longer than about 36 hours, you're on the way to a mental hospital. Get sleep.

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