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What is the longest you have stayed awake for?


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It is indeed normal for people to ask questions, but when the people who ask are asking questions which are well beyond their remit, it's hardly usual.


As a matter of interest (and I've no intention of staying awake beyond 'normal bedtime')


Why on earth would you be remotely interested? - Are you a sexual predator?


Chillax Rupert and try and get some sleep, how you conclude that asking about sleep = sexual predator is something you need to address, I suggest you get to sleep asap and stop embarrassing yourself.

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the impulse to sleep is strong. You will only usually stay awake for a period of 36 hours under conditions of extreme stress and lots of loud noises and even then, you will probably be asleep for short periods. Going without sleep for longer than about 36 hours, you're on the way to a mental hospital. Get sleep.


It depends on the person, some folk are more well adjusted, stable and can handle it better than others, other folk are less capable and therfore more prone to suffer mental health problems.

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I once did 22 hours labouring for a steel fixer on the Leeds shopping centre after something on a job done by others was deemed to be wrong, and we had to pick up on it and correct it before the next lot came in.


The money was good, but the money that would have been wasted had I not agreed to work through would have been boat loads more.


Some times the need is greater and you just wade through. I had hardly any breaks.


The developer and contractor I worked for benefited way more that I did I may add.

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Whilst doing the final exercise in my RAF Regiment training, by the fourth night of non sleeping, most of us were hallucinating, we were barely coherent as our speech was severely affected, and our bodies were gradually shutting down, even simple tasks like buttoning a jacket up were almost impossible due to the lack of hand eye co-ordination. i personally remember seeing a section of enemy advancing towards our trench, i shouted "stand to" so as to make all our guys know that we were coming under an imminent attack, by the time i had refocused on the supposed enemy, it transpired to be 8 trees that were silhouetted on the hill top, i was adamant that i had seen the enemy, lol, it was an awful feeling (hallucinating) as you never knew what you could trust and what you could trust, even if you got it right you couldn't do that much due to the severe tiredness and lack of co-ordination, lol. if i remember correctly we eventually stayed awake for 4 nights and five days.

06.00hrs Mon morn

18.00hrs Fri eve

total 108hrs, buggered would be putting it politely, lol

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the longest i have stayed awake is probably when i was in labour with my first...was very scared, excited and apprehensive so sleep was impossible the night before being induced, then i had a 30 hour labour and finally slept that night for about an hour, and since having another child i probably havent had a solid nights sleep for 6 1/2 years!!!! but i aint complaining xxxx

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