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Kitchen "Cabinets" circa 1940's and 1950's

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Did you have one in your house? Can you remember them?


They were all the fashion at one time, especially when council houses had few, if any kitchen cupboards and most food was stored in "the Pantry"


My mum had one and she was so proud of it on the day it was delivered. :)

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The one we had in our kitchen in the early 70's was painted orange to match the orange/yellow/brown colour scheme:gag: It had frosted sliding glass doors on the front:D


We had one of these exactly the same colour - but ours was in the late 60's when we lived at Parkwood Springs. Me and my sister used to use the drop down bit as our table as we didn't have enough room to eat round the kitchen table as a family (you could only seat two people).


It held loads of stuff though. All the crockery was in the bottom cupboard and foodstuff was in the frosted sliding door.

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I painted ours pale blue: it had frosted glass doors,

and a 'drop-down' flap, that was supposed to act

as a work-top.

There was cupboard space underneath for tins, etc.


my great-grandfather had one of those in his house, and yes, I'm sure his was pale-blue (And i think they also came in green, and cream, and possibly red?) I remember the striped frosted glass of the doors at the very top.


I remember the drop-down flap, couldn't it be used as a bread-board, to slice your uncut-loaf on?

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We had one of these exactly the same colour - but ours was in the late 60's when we lived at Parkwood Springs. Me and my sister used to use the drop down bit as our table as we didn't have enough room to eat round the kitchen table as a family (you could only seat two people).


It held loads of stuff though. All the crockery was in the bottom cupboard and foodstuff was in the frosted sliding door.


My Mum was so proud of hers in the early 50s.She got it when we moved to a house with a bigger kitchen.We weren't allowed to look in the cupboard below the drop down flap.(We did though,and,like a squirrel, she had stored brand new stuff that we really could have done with using in the home!)

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My Grandmother gave me hers when I got married 31 years ago.


I stored it in my Dads "Lockup" until we found a house. The house, however already had a fitted kitchen, so it remained in "storage" until last year.

Dad used it to store his tools in.


When Dad gave up the lock up as he had no further use for it, it went to the council tip.


Don't tell me it was worth a fortune!:confused:

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The one we had in our kitchen in the early 70's was painted orange to match the orange/yellow/brown colour scheme:gag: It had frosted sliding glass doors on the front:D


i think they were called kitchenettes

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