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I lived in Wincobank on Newman Drive, In 1974 I went to live in New Zealand, I went to Hinde House School and wondered if anyone remembers me "Nadine Harrison". friends were Lorraine Hunt, Pauline Guite, neighbours were Christine Siddall.

I have a half brother and sister, called Richard and Karen Jones, does anyone know them, Karen would be about 40 and Richard about 36, and am looking for some family history.

This site is very interesting and brings back lots of memories.

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I remember Christine Siddall; she was a good-looking, blonde girl about three years older than me when I attended Concord Middle School 1969- 1974. She was a friend of the equally gorgeous Linda Maycock, if I recall. Don't know where they are now, but Siddall definately still lives in Sheffield. I know this because I was recently joking about who the most attractive people were at school with my sister and brother-in-law, and Siddall's name cropped up as my suggestion for the best -looking girl. My sister told me that she had recently seen her [not to speak to] in town.

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Nadine, just been talking to my sister, and she may be able to contact Christine Siddall if you wish. My sister's friend is in some way connected with Julie Siddall [the younger sister of Christine]. I don't know the other people you mention. Actually, I don't know Christine either; she was just a rather glamorous figure myself and mates admired from afar when she graced our playground all those years ago! If she can help you find your relatives, I will do what I can to put you in touch. Let me know.

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Hi Timo

Where abouts did you live in Wincobank, what is it like now, I lived next door to the Siddall family for 10 years, Christine was a bit younger than me, but I think she would remember me, I remember her sister Julie and brother Martin, but they were quite young then.

I think my half brothers girlfriend went to Hinde House, she would be in her thirtys and her family live on Monkton Road, but do not know anything more than that.

I didnt go to Concord school, I was the last year to go straight from Wincobank to Hinde House, used to go to the Top Rank in Sheffield all the time and try and sneak in under age for a lime and lager at the pubs

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Hi Nadine, I used to live on Standon Road. I now live in Southport [seaside town on north west coast] with my wife, and I lecture at an old University in the north west region. We left Sheffield in 1991, for Nottingham, then Lydiate near Liverpool and now Southport. I regularly visit Sheffield to see friends, relatives and to support United. My mother and married sister now live in Sothall [near Beighton], so I don't get to see Wincobank very often. What I have seen has not impressed me, as it appears to have rapidly deteriorated over the last ten years, as has Firth Park. You probably know that there is the huge Meadowhall shopping centre on the former site of Hadfields. Sadly, I believe our beloved chippy too bit the dust some years ago. I don't think you would recognise Wincobank now, but the school is still there.

To reiterate, if you think it worthwhile, I can pass a message to the Siddalls through my sister's friend. I sincerely hope that you find your relatives. Don't give up searching.

All the best,


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Thanks for your offer with Julie Siddall,

Sounds like you made a good move, I remember Standon Road, My Father worked at Arthur Lees, think the Meadowhall shopping centre may be near that site also, as that was demolished.


We could see the big cooling towers and the gasometers from our house and the tinsley viaduct, are those things still there.

My dad bought our house on Newman Drive when it was newly built, that would have been in about 1964 and we left England in 1974, we used to go over the hill behind Newman Road and walk to Brightside, are those old terraced houses still there,

I must go back for a trip one day,

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Nadine, the cooling towers and Tinsley viaduct are still there, but Meadowhall shopping centre takes up much of the former landscape. It still looks pretty bleak! I think I'll stick to Southport, but I'll always be fond of Wincobank as I had such a great childhood, and the area gave me a toughness which has always stood me in good stead. The people were never whingers, unlike the Liverpudlians I know...

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I agree about the toughness, I did not realise how tough things had been until I moved away, and I often wonder about all the people I knew and what they are doing now.

Saw the "Full Monty" and remembered a few landmarks

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I pm'd you yesterday.

Ive just noticed this old thread and yes i remember you.

i think you are about a year younger than me.

i was in mrs wild's class at wincobank and my friends then were

beverley johnson, zana french, june wilcox, jacqueline stretch,

karen green, oh and ian terry.

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I work with a lass that lives close if not on the same road as Christine and will also along with Timo try and put you in contact this week.

My dads mate was a forman at Arthur Lees and his name is Harry Walker. Do you think your dad will remember him, if your dad is still around.

Timo I was in the same class as Linda Maycock and worried about your eyesight mate:D .

I found her mouthy and full of herself and did not find her attractive though she did have a sort of sex appeal.:heyhey:

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