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Looking for the history of the Attercliffe Baths and the Attercliffe (Free)Library.

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Looking for the history of the Attercliffe Baths and the Attercliffe (Free)Library.

The only info i can find id what is written on the plaques outside.


Attercliffe Library - Opened in 1894 in answer to local public demand and closed in 1986.As well as lending books it was one of the first places in Sheffield to display lists of job vacancies


Attercliffe Baths - Built in 1879,provided both swimming and washing facilities for the area at a time when bathrooms at home were unknown.This was also Attercliffes speakers corner,especially 1900-1939.


Any more info especially about the speakers corner please reply.


Thanks :huh:


Andy M

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Hello again Andy. Not sure where I've seen them, but there are some pictures of the inside of the library. Could be on Picture Sheffield, or in the book called 'Once Round The Lump'. Can't get my hands on the latter for the minute, but if it turns up, I'll check.


I learned to swim at Attercliffe baths. The instructor as called Mettam and he was a nice bloke. You did have to watch for the floating cockroaches though.

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Hi Akadok

yeah remember that mate and floaters.!!!!! seen some on picture sheffield inside.Wanna see if i can find out more history too.

Just about to load up a youtube about these two places too..good old memories ey !!





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi There Andy, I have just joined the forum and yours is one of the first items I have read. I worked at Brown Bayley's from 1966 to 1981, which was just around the corner from Attercliffe baths and across the road from the library. I used to use the swimming baths on a regular basis and I have read many books from the library. The library was built in 1894 and had an internal refurbishment in 1927. The Baths building is still there (a listed building I believe) and is used as offices. If you require any more info why not contact the Central library on Surrey Street in Sheffield. Their archive dept will have all the info. Also there are a couple of books which will be of interest. They are A WANDER UP THE CLIFFE and A FURTHER WANDER UP THE CLIFFE>(sorry I can't remember the author. I hope this is of use to you.




Looking for the history of the Attercliffe Baths and the Attercliffe (Free)Library.

The only info i can find id what is written on the plaques outside.


Attercliffe Library - Opened in 1894 in answer to local public demand and closed in 1986.As well as lending books it was one of the first places in Sheffield to display lists of job vacancies


Attercliffe Baths - Built in 1879,provided both swimming and washing facilities for the area at a time when bathrooms at home were unknown.This was also Attercliffes speakers corner,especially 1900-1939.


Any more info especially about the speakers corner please reply.


Thanks :huh:


Andy M

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Hi Lakerman


welcome to the forum.Thankyou for your post.I do have the two books mentioned,there only seems to be a breif passage dedicated to both these buildings.Hopefully more will come to light.Will be searching the library when i am next up in Sheffield this summer


Many Thanks

Andy m:)

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