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Does anyone in Hillsborough remember Walter?

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I remember him!!! Still see him sometimes in Hillsbro sat on the traffic islands near Chatanoga!

He always used to give kids conkers and paper airolplanes! Another thing was he'd always go in the pub and say stuff like 'Its my birthday today, Ilike cigars' Or 'Its my bithday today, I like lemonade!' just so people would get hima free drink and stuff, bless him!

walter said this to me once and when i bought him a drink he put a sweet in my hand and gripped my hand and said your a good man :D :D :D

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  • 2 months later...
walter used to hang around outside wisewood school when i went there late 70's,early 80's with his bags of sweets . there was also ernest who jumped up and down on the spot . remember him?


Oh my gosh...yes i remember him aswell i'd forgotten all about him!!!

I wonder what happened to him?????:

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The thing that amazes me is that he doesn't seem to have aged in the 30 odd years that I've seen him around. It's good to know that he's still the number one source of conkers around that area! I remember when I was little he would regularly turn up on my road and all the kids would cheer and crowd round him while he handed out his stuff. He's such a kind man and well loved by those that know him.

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