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Story: 'Trapped facing the dragon.'


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I didn't get a sense of N being trapped. The story, for me, only gave a sense of the stage fright that N suffered. Also, I found the use of the letter "N" for the character detracted from my reading this story. Why not a real name?


I read this story a couple of days ago, but have returned to it again tonight to see if a re-reading would assist me in gaining a sense of the theme - trapped - but it was still absent.


Maybe if you could expanded on the thought processes of N a little more, developing the theme that N was trapped, e.g., that N felt he could neither step onto that stage, nor run away. That would helped me feel a tension building up - wondering whether N would respond to the prompter's cue that he was to enter stage left, or whether he would freeze on the spot, impervious to the prompter's increasingly frantic cues.

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