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Who remembers the old Sheffield?

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Nobody seems to remember Coles Corner. This was a very popular meeting place, You could see the time on the clock above the Star Building. The Cole Bros in Barkers Pool is just not the same feeling.


I remember Coles Corner very well. as you say a very popular meeting place.

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I remember the Star reporting when it was sold to a developer called Charles Clore - about 1962? They said that it would now be called "Clore Corner", and described it as a "trysting place for thousands of goodnight kissers". I remember being lifted off my feet and almost blown through a shop window in Fargate as I walked across town from school to Pond St. on the day of the Hurricane; what year was that? 1962 also?

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I remember going to the old Coles to see Father Christmas. You climbed in a door at the back of a large closed vehicle, shaped like a sleigh, with benches inside. the vehicle rocked and swayed and when you got out on the other side, there was the old gent.

Also went there for school uniforms - a bit traumatic since they weren't too particular about dressing rooms for little kids.

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A few here to mull over: Prefabs ( some always seemed to blow down in winter), The old numbered bus tickets ( good luck if the numbers added to 21), Notice on buses " NO SPITTING!", Philip Cann the music man (when on Dixon Lane), Banners 'money', Joe Edwards ( the pot man in rag 'n' tag, what an entertainer), Sweat towels, Club trips ( complete with luggage label tied to your lapel). You got me thinkin now!

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Can you remember the old trams with the wooden seats that you could alter according to which direction you were going in.Also loved eating the liquorice roots,cinnamon sticks & that black liquorice.I think Wicker Herbalist still sells liquorice sticks.

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Handy, I had quite forgotten about the bus tickets; but yes, you are right, we used to reckon that numbers which added up to 21 were lucky. Nowadays they'd say that we ought to have got out more - but of course we were on the bus, so we WERE out!

I few posts ago, I mentioned the Sheffield Hurricane (still awaiting confirmation of the year: anybody?). That links to one of your points: as my bus homeward from King Ted's climbed Arbourthorne Hill, it went past a large estate of prefabs. The morning after the big blow, the whole lot were flattened like flat-oack furniture (which, in a way, is what they were). A few of the residents were even interviewed on the TV - a rare privilege in those days. I vividly remember one chap standing outside the pack of cards which had been his home, saying, "Next thing we knew, we was standing there in us night attire". Quote of the week.

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Handy, I had quite forgotten about the bus tickets; but yes, you are right, we used to reckon that numbers which added up to 21 were lucky. Nowadays they'd say that we ought to have got out more - but of course we were on the bus, so we WERE out!

I few posts ago, I mentioned the Sheffield Hurricane (still awaiting confirmation of the year: anybody?). That links to one of your points: as my bus homeward from King Ted's climbed Arbourthorne Hill, it went past a large estate of prefabs. The morning after the big blow, the whole lot were flattened like flat-oack furniture (which, in a way, is what they were). A few of the residents were even interviewed on the TV - a rare privilege in those days. I vividly remember one chap standing outside the pack of cards which had been his home, saying, "Next thing we knew, we was standing there in us night attire". Quote of the week.



There are a few threads on the 1962 gales Athy, try this too http://www.chrishobbs.com/sheffieldgale1962.htm

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