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Story: 'Why me? - trapped.'


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That's a very disturbing read mikomi. Phew!


It captures well the feeling of being trapped in a malfunctioning body, and the total reliance on others for your care. The anger and frustration is expressed with a mixture of black humour.


I'm going to look for the whiskey bottle now, as I need a stiff drink (no pun intended!).

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Wrote with a lot of feeling Mikomi.

We have some competition on our hands with this one.

If I may digress as I get on my soapbox…

Every morning while driving to work, at the same point and time I pass a few youths, can of extra strong brew in hand and what looks like a splif in the other, slagging off the passers bye and I think what a waste, the only thing they are good at is signing the benefit form and knocking out kids for more benefit, a total burden to society, and then I think “if I ruled the world” apart the obvious; bring back the birch or conscription, each one of those youths could give a decent life to someone like your fictional character with their body parts, you get my drift?

It’s a good job we don’t have totalitarian rule and I was the ruler or morally I would be no better than they are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it's taken me so long to read and comment :(


Your piece made me think of Professor Stephen Hawking - didn't he once say he wished he'd been aborted? I'm very impressed at how you've managed to get inside the mind of your character and express his anger and frustration. A harrowing read!

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