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The Norton - 'Sizzler' pub

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  • 1 month later...
Il bet you any money he was from that area! Of course Dora, Totally, Meadowhead, Norton there full of meat head thugs with mangy pitbulls arnt they! You just have to drive through lowedges and it says it all ! Stabbings, shootings! Its a common fact the areas well known for dodgy people!



all the more reason to not over exercise you thoughts.

just about all norton pub are woodseats boys,

i know for a 100% fact,

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Norton and Norton lees are decent places to live its the riff raff from lowedges that go in there, that your describing! FACT


Quite a statement coming from you:


I got barred from cavendish because only ID i had was a NUS card they said it wasn't valid, so i refused to move. The bar staff told me to F*** off, so i offered him outside! next minute he ran off with his walkie talkie and got the police to come!

So Yes the bouncers are totall idiots but sum of the bar staff are the exact same!!!!!!!!


Pot, kettle, black. ******* etc etc. :loopy::hihi::hihi:

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Norton and Norton lees are decent places to live its the riff raff from lowedges that go in there, that your describing! FACT


What a Ridiculous and insulting post to the people of Lowedges i lived on Lowedges for 10 years and ic an tell you There is some really nice people who live on the Estate it's the MINORITY who spoil it for the MAJORITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! like most places nower days:rant:


And if i was you i would Get your facts right before spouting Rubbish like that FACT:hihi:

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So has nobody heard of Smithy? He reckoned to have quite a reputation.



I used to go to school with 2 lads who had the last name smith at Lowedges they will be 21 now same as me doubt it will be these two though.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

OK so I thought this thread was about The Norton pub and not to discuss if one estate is better than another! The idea of a pub in any area is to bring the community together in one place to enjoy each others company, food and good ale!

Did you know that the Norton now has a Northern Soul and Motown night every Wednesday? If not get yourself along, enjoy a meal have a drink and sit back and enjoy hours of Northern Soul and Motown that will take you back to your youth! If of course you are young then come along anyway - you will be surprised how may of the tracks being played you know! See ya there!:thumbsup: Keep it real!

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Norton and Norton lees are decent places to live its the riff raff from lowedges that go in there, that your describing! FACT


why does Serendipity think that Lowedges is full of riff raff anyone can say Fact wheres the proof that it is any worse than any where else I've lived here for years and the people are very nice. As the thread was about The Norton why did you have to bring Lowedges into it anyway

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We saw their sizzler meals advertised and thought we'd try the place out. The food was unremarkable, but ok for the 17p it cost, but the place was littered with dodgy geezers. We listend in to a 20 minute conversation where a grimy looking 'Smithy' was assuring a couple of people how hard he was, how hard his pit bull was, and then took a call off someone (sounded like a mate / brother) who had just been punched. Of course old Smithy wanted the guys address to go round and kick his head in. His right had was out of order being bandaged up after apparently having it bitten after leaving it near his last victims mouth for too long.


I though Norton was a decent place? Is this pub dodgy or did I catch it at the wrong time? Is Smithy a local legend?


Been there summer time, apart from the barman being a bit of a tool it was otherwise okay.

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