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Have you rushed out for Harry Potter?

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I've seen the movie and read one of the books, and I understand that it's a great story - but so were most of Roald Dahl's books! With the latest book becoming the fatest selling book of all time, and total Harry Potter book sales of over 200 million - just what is going on?!


In my opinion, the success of Harry Potter isn't really down the magical (;)) skills of Rowling, but is more likely thanks to advances in globalisation and the current hunger for hype, hype, hype.


Your views please... :)

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Originally posted by Jon

Hype hype hype maybe true about the Harry Potter books but at least its got the kids reading books instead of watching telly or spending hours on the computer.

That's a very fair point. I remember thinking when the first book came out: "Wait a minute - kids don't like reading!". However, I guess they do if it's considered "cool".

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Originally posted by Jon

Hype hype hype maybe true about the Harry Potter books but at least its got the kids reading books instead of watching telly or spending hours on the computer.


I'd be careful about saying "instead of watching telly or spending hours on the computer" and rather word it "aswell as watching telly or spending hours on the computer" ...


You see, I think that a lot of the kids who buy the book will also own the DVDs and Video games, etc... and probably spend hours on t'Internet discussing how great Harry Potter is.


I see your point though :) If only I could be bothered to pick up a book and get off this damn computer... :lol:

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I own the other books up to the one just released out of pure curiosity really.


I am not a big reader, the only books I truly love and can read over and over is the Dune saga by Frank Herbert.


I like that these books have captured some imagination in children, and it did it before all the hype started.


Moon Maiden

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Ordered my daughters about 3 months ago on Amazon, it was funny on Saturday am seeing the postman struggling with a big heavy bag full of 4 inch thick books.


PS the Post Office did a great job, getting them out on time.


Personally, tried to read one of the books, gave up after a couple of chapters, liked the films though.


Mikey the Muggle

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Do not know anything about the Harry Potter series of books, but I understand they are for young children, it has got be a good thing if the books are a good read for the youngsters.


It intriuged me to hear that J.K. Rowling would make £20.000.000 profit on this series alone, what a writer, what an imagination, how did she get that winning formula?


I have been in the wrong job all my life, why didn't someone TELL ME!!!

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