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Moore and Wright


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She's not in the photo, but would have gone to loads of the Christmas parties before her retirement so someone may have a photo. Unfortunately, think my Nan was born in her 40s as that is the earliest photo I've seen of her :o(((

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I don't remember a Dot Dickinson at Moore & Wright, but I do remember a Dot Dickinson who worked further up Handsworth Road at Qualcut. She got her hair stuck in a machine I believe. She lived a couple of doors away from me at Woodhouse.

Sorry been away for Christmas-- Re Dot, can't be the same one, mine definately worked at M & W and lived at Handsworth. She often mentioned an Albert Fagin as one of her workmates.

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It might interest anyone who worked at Moore and Wrights that i visited the Science Museum in London last week and on display in the 'Britain through the ages' section was a Moore and Wrights Micrometer and original box. Got a swell of pride when i saw it! My dad could have made that! Shows that the company made an impact on the world.

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