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Poems - by Heeley Tyke

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I have been invited into the Writers’ Group and I am submitting this little effort for recognition.


I have written over fifty poems at various times to my late partner and even after her death, I carried on writing for her.


This may seem stupid to some people but I felt that I had to keep in contact with her somehow and writing poetry was, to my mind, a way of doing this.


My Poems by Heeley Tyke.


(uploaded by Mantaspook on Heeley Tykes behalf 13/5/07)

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Why would anyone consider your poems stupid, you wrote them for the love of your life and i presume they were very personal . There are many people out there who are unable to convey how they feel about their partner ,thank you for sharing them with us .

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I suppose the art of poetic verse has changed over the last few years and is now no longer a romantic medium.

I've never really appreciated blank verse although it is quite popular now. Some blank verse can convey quite a lot but it isn't the sort of poem one would write for a lover.

I'll stick to the soppy stuff!!!!!

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I found these poems extremely moving and confess to feeling very sad. The accompanying explanations helped explained their meaning.


There was good use of alliteration, and the subtle changes in the description of Iris with the Laughing Eyes was simply wonderful.


My personal thanks to Heeley tyke for sharing something extremely personal with us all.

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Thank you, Red Robbo...

There was a time when I wouldn't have entertained conversing with someone with a name like yours but times change and attitudes change.

I have just about retired from active politics now and enjoying my retirement.


I shall post this poem that I wrote some time ago.

This is a poem I wrote about one day in Berwick while Iris was sunbathing on the beach. She looked so wonderfully attractive in her bikini. I just had to capture the scene as a reminder of our very first holiday together.

To my darling remembering our holiday


I see you barefoot as you walk along the sand,

The rolling wavelets gently lapping round your feet,

And I am there beside you, strolling hand in hand,

The splendid magic of that moment made complete.


That summer’s day with you was one of heaven sent,

We had no cares, no doubts, no fears to cloud the day.

Sharing our hopes, our dreams, where ere we went,

It seemed as though we were a thousand miles away.


And later, in the stillness of the evening air,

With loving arms around you; how I held you tight,

So closely now, to smell the fragrance of your hair,

And lay beside you there until the morning light.

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Thank you, Red Robbo...

There was a time when I wouldn't have entertained conversing with someone with a name like yours but times change and attitudes change.

I have just about retired from active politics now and enjoying my retirement.


I shall post this poem that I wrote some time ago.

This is a poem I wrote about one day in Berwick while Iris was sunbathing on the beach. She looked so wonderfully attractive in her bikini. I just had to capture the scene as a reminder of our very first holiday together.

To my darling remembering our holiday


I see you barefoot as you walk along the sand,

The rolling wavelets gently lapping round your feet,

And I am there beside you, strolling hand in hand,

The splendid magic of that moment made complete.


That summer’s day with you was one of heaven sent,

We had no cares, no doubts, no fears to cloud the day.

Sharing our hopes, our dreams, where ere we went,

It seemed as though we were a thousand miles away.


And later, in the stillness of the evening air,

With loving arms around you; how I held you tight,

So closely now, to smell the fragrance of your hair,

And lay beside you there until the morning light.


Please put aside any political differences you might have with me, or save them for a good old argument on another thread. Just simply accept that irrespective of whatever those differences they might be, they are transcended by a shared love of the written word, and particularly poetry.


I have not, until the wee small hours of this morning, read anything by you before. I am determined now to ensure that I will always read any of your poetry contributions to the Writing Group.


The last stanza of this poem is beautifully written. It conveys the magic of the moment; "the stillness of the evening air" and "the fragrance your hair" are amazingly well crafted, and are brilliantly evocative.

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