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Whitsuntide traditions


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Here is a photo of me on right ( aged 6) and my friend in our Whitsuntide clothes in 1950.


How proud we felt !!!


That's what I look like in mine, but I've got an 'alfalfa' haircut a bit like THIS.
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i remember having a new outfit every whitsuntide in the 60s.my nan used to take me round friends and familys houses to show my new clothes, and they would give me a small amount of money.sadly the tradition has died...they were good memories.

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I remember well those suits with short trousers. Nowadays, as soon as the child can walk,they are wearing long pants. In my day,you did'nt wear long 'uns until you were 13. You were then regarded as having been "britched".

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I remember well those suits with short trousers. Nowadays, as soon as the child can walk,they are wearing long pants. In my day,you did'nt wear long 'uns until you were 13. You were then regarded as having been "britched".


A milestone in a lad's life, and one never forgotten.


"By 'eck. Theer all arse an' pockets but eel grow in ta 'em. Al tek 'em,"


Trouble was that because your mum knew you'd grow into them they could last two years so instead of cutting the legs to fit and putting a proper hem on them, she'd roll them up and tack them. The bottom half inch was about as thick as a piece of tow rope. And the crotch was around your knees.

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  • 7 months later...

We used to visit my grandparents in Sheffield for Whit sunday weekend & I remember the thrill of having new outfits for the occasion. This was in the 1960s and I've often recalled it & been met by blank expressions from all down south... is it a Yorkshire thing ?. We used to go to hillsborough park & sit in the sun taking care not to drip our Zoom lollies down our pristine frocks.... Those were days !.

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I remember whit clothes, normally for me a pair of patent black shoes, white ankle socks, a new dress (normally frilly) that was worn for parties after the event, and if lucky a new coat and hairband. This was in the 50s. We went to Graves Park then for the whit parade, it was lovely. I think it just fizzled out when people could afford new clothes as a matter of course. The neighbours all gave a bit of copper if you went to show them your new clothes.

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I remember going to my grandparents at Shiregreen on Whit Sunday, going round all the neighbours showing off my new clothes. Thinking back, how naive were we. I remember one old man asking if i`d got new knickers and me telling him that I had he asked me to show them him.!!!! think I got a threpny bit from him !!!

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I remember whitsuntide in firth park in the late 60s,i remember a parade and then fun stuff in the park.I also remember mum getting me from somewhere a short white satin bridesmaids dress and dyed it a pea green/yellow???? never in my life since have i seen that colour!!!! yuk.she even dyed my white shoes the same?? think they must have been scuffed or something and the dress i guess was given to her for me,we dident have much money and she did her best i know but PEA GREEN/YELLOW???? please lol

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