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Whitsuntide traditions


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Yes I remember Whitsuntide.

The other month I was rummaging through some old family photo's to scan for my web site, what I did find interesting was the photo's of weddings my family attended though out my childhood, of which seem to happen every year.

In all these photos I and my siblings had new outfits on but my mother had the same red dress the same brooch and the same string of pearls also my father had the same suit on.

Which says to me all though my family were quite poor they did look after there offspring’s first.

Here are a couple of questions, that’s if you can remember:

At what age did you get your first pair of long suit trousers?

What did you do with the money you collected at Whitsuntide?

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Whitsuntide is still celebrated in my early years setting. This year we asked that all children came in white clothes and at snack time we had a white tablecloth, white flowers and white foods (well as near as damn it if you include white grapes).


It was a really lovely day!

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It would have been more suited for History and expats section.

However I used to get new clothes every Whitsun, probably the only time I ever did and earn a few bob knocking on the doors asking if they liked my new Whitsuntide clothes.


My daughter ( 24 ) laughed when I told her what we did then.

I also used to walk with the boys brigade who were from Andover Street where I was also a recruit and we would walk to Firth park and back again.

It was hell of a walk and the sun always shone.

I have film of that march with me and my parents and the marching band walking back up Barnsley road which is now transfered to video wearing a green wooley jumper which my mum knitted.

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What memories this brings back, as has already been said whitsuntide was second only to christmas, and was looked forward too as much as christmas. I cannot believe I got so excited about white ankle socks, short trousers, a shirt & tie and a new coat, but we really did. I remember being on the float following the various bands from the scouts etc. We left from the chapel on Beck road and met all the other bands etc from other churches in Concord park. Happy days

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I used to live across from Firth Park and went to Girls' Brigade at Trinity Fir Vale. Every Whit Sunday we used to parade up to the park and join brigades from the surrounding churches , crown the May Queen (is that what it was called, I can't remember exactly?), and have an outdoor service. If it rained we went into Firth Park church on the roundabout. I'm only 33 so I'm talking about mid-80s.

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I remember Whitsuntide very well. We used to call it Whitsun for short. My mum used to be a dressmaker, so she always made me a really nice dress to wear on Whit Sunday. I also remember my mum taking me shopping for new shoes (usually Clarks sandels if I remember correctly!). This must have been around the mid 70s.


For some reason, I always associate Whitsuntide with trips to Millhouses Park :).

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we as a family used to love whitsun,we used to go to meersbrook park or graves park for the whit sings .looking back at some of the new clothes we had now is a bit embarressing though always had a new little handbag .its a shame it died out though

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