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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hello Kalla, welcome to the forum! :)


If you get any side effects with Champix I would advise to come off them right away. With side effects there is a delay and nothing happens at first, then it can get worse and worse as it did with me.

Edited by Truthinus
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Thank you Truthinus. The side effects i did have were physical so easly sorted out, and the doctor knows me quite well and she is happy for me to stay on the lower dose for the mo.

Its also helped reading the posts on here. I just pick a page to read and instantly feel more positive :)

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Sorry to hear it did not work out for your Truthinus with the champix but personally for me it did. I have now been quit a year last friday and I must point out that without the champix, the excellent support of my doctor, family and this forum I would not have been able to do it. I do agree that champix is not for everyone I did have a few wobbles but I am doing fine now.


Good luck to those starting on your journey and to those already on it. I will still be looking in from time to time.



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I have just been prescribed champix from my doctor so im going to see if they can help me kick this habit! Fingers crossed :)


I have read some of the horror stories on here and i hope i don't suffer too much but id prefer that to dieing from lung cancer thats for sure.

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Hi everybody. This is my second time on the Champix and I have been quit since May. Finding it easier this time around but still hard at times. Sorry to hear about your problems Truthinus but glad that you are getting help, seems a shame that you have to spend all your money on drink and cigs, hope you get things sorted. Good luck Scott, there are some horror stories, but they are the minority and Champix seems to affect everybody totally differently. Kev, yes weird dreams are "normal" with the Champix, I didn't have them too much but have read on here that a lot of people did. Congratulations Becky on reaching a year, you have done really well and are an inspiration. Well done also to Woodsmoke, Kalla, Rach and everybody else who has or is quitting, it is probably the best thing we have done for ourselves although I know at times it doesn't seem like it!

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just stopped for 3 1/2 weeks now but did anyone have weird nightmares on champix?


I used to have some cracking nightmares when I took Champix! My mind can be pretty wierd at the best of times but those pills took my imagination to new heights!


I learned to enjoy the nightmares because I knew they were just bad dreams and in the end I looked forward to them. Of course now Im off the pills I miss the nightmares.

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