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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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:)Hey Taimah, CONGRATULATIONS !! ONE YEAR !! How brilliant you made it through. I am still looking forward to that one year anniversary myself, couple of months+ to go still..


Thats a long time and enough to be able to say confidently that you won't smoke again. Just remember that even one cigarette could destroy all you have achieved but I think you know that.. Well done.:)

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I have been free of the fags since May thanks to Champix and I feel fantastic and am so pleased with myself. I have smoked 20 a day for over 25 years and to be honest I don't miss it at all. I never thought It would ever happen for me as I have tried everything to stop.


Good luck to all those out there who are trying to stop.;)

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:)Hey Taimah, CONGRATULATIONS !! ONE YEAR !! How brilliant you made it through. I am still looking forward to that one year anniversary myself, couple of months+ to go still..


Thats a long time and enough to be able to say confidently that you won't smoke again. Just remember that even one cigarette could destroy all you have achieved but I think you know that.. Well done.:)


Thanks Woodsmoke and of course Gemini, just think you guys are catching me up. There is absolutely no way I am ever going to touch a cigarette again and break all the hard work now.


Well done to all the new members who are already on their way to quitting. If I can do it you definitely can, as I had the worst willpower ever. Even with the champix you really need to want to quit.



Edited by taimah
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Thank you Truthinus. The side effects i did have were physical so easly sorted out, and the doctor knows me quite well and she is happy for me to stay on the lower dose for the mo.

Its also helped reading the posts on here. I just pick a page to read and instantly feel more positive :)

In regard to Champix most of my posts are negative about it because I had a very negative experience with it and at one point did not care to live.


I'm feeling a somewhat better now but there is still a part of me that is missing since taking Champix. Champix alters the way the brain works but hopefully my brain will reconfigure itself more as time goes by.

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I have just been prescribed champix from my doctor so im going to see if they can help me kick this habit! Fingers crossed :)


I have read some of the horror stories on here and i hope i don't suffer too much but id prefer that to dieing from lung cancer thats for sure.

Many do but not everyone who smokes dies from lung cancer. Champix can cause suicide for some people - are we going to risk death now, or later?


In my opinion any drug that causes suicidal tenancies should be took off the market and we have only to look at what happened (and is still happening) with Seroxat to know that big Pharma are more interested in making lots of money than in our health and wellbeing.

Edited by Truthinus
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I am on my 27th day of Champix and 17th day of not having a cigarette. This is the first time I have tried to stop smoking after 37 years and to be honest didn't really want to stop but decided to have a go as my first grandchild is due in a few weeks.

I can't believe how painless it has been, I don't want a cigarette but do feeel that something is missing, hoping thats just habit though.

I feel great more energetic, wealthier, my husband and son think it's great that the house and my car don't smell of stale smoke and can honestly say that apart from feeling tired and a bit queasy at times I don't seem to be having any of the side effects.

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I am on my 27th day of Champix and 17th day of not having a cigarette. This is the first time I have tried to stop smoking after 37 years and to be honest didn't really want to stop but decided to have a go as my first grandchild is due in a few weeks.

I can't believe how painless it has been, I don't want a cigarette but do feeel that something is missing, hoping thats just habit though.

I feel great more energetic, wealthier, my husband and son think it's great that the house and my car don't smell of stale smoke and can honestly say that apart from feeling tired and a bit queasy at times I don't seem to be having any of the side effects.

Please be careful with Champix - for most people it seems to be working at first - then for some people later on, it can bite your head off. Edited by Truthinus
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Many do but not everyone who smokes dies from lung cancer. Champix can cause suicide for some people - are we going to risk death now, or later?


In my opinion any drug that causes suicidal tenancies should be took off the market and we have only to look at what happened (and is still happening) with Seroxat to know that big Pharma are more interested in making lots of money than in our health and wellbeing.


i know what your saying but if i carry on smoking for the next 40 years i would estimate that my chances of getting cancer from smoking would be far higher than my chances of becoming suicidal for the comparatively short time i will be using champix- so ill take my chances.


If you want to take every drug with bad side-effects off the market there will hardly be anything left- even the humble paracetamol can do horrible things to you if it doesn't agree with you.


I sympathise totally with what your going through mate but drugs do have side-effects and bloody nasty ones as you know very well- but just because it effects a very small percentage of people i don't think you should take it away totally and give millions of people a reduced chance to stop smoking.

Edited by scottf
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i know what your saying but if i carry on smoking for the next 40 years i would estimate that my chances of getting cancer from smoking would be far higher than my chances of becoming suicidal for the comparitivly short time i will be using champix- so ill take my chances.


I totally agree with you Scottf, Champix has certainly helped a lot of people here on the forum let alone thousands of others out there, trying to give up smoking with or without help can present with suicidal tendencies.


I for one am totally for Champix because it has helped me quit the horrible cancer causing sticks.:rant::rant:

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