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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Yesterday I drunk two (full) bottles of Vodka and smoked over Sixty cigs! And I'm still drinking and smoking this morning.


Saying that, I'm finding the part of me that went missing because of Champix - and I'm feeling OK-ish (but that might be because of the Vodka).

Edited by Truthinus
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I totally agree with you Scottf, Champix has certainly helped a lot of people here on the forum let alone thousands of others out there, trying to give up smoking with or without help can present with suicidal tendencies.

For many years people have stopped smoking without Champix and without suicidal tenancies. People don't get suicidal over the lack of cigs! The drug company tries to make out that stopping smoking itself can cause suicidal tendencies but it is not true, as my doctor confirmed (not the idiot doctor who prescribed Champix for me) and she said it is rubbish. Edited by Truthinus
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So that was a waste of time while risking your sanity (and family life). :(


No not really!


I learned that if I tried hard enough I COULD jack in the cigs! I learned that there IS a life without constantly having to light up and I learned that food tastes better, my lungs feel clearer, Im healthier and occasionally have the urge to chase cars to bite at their tyres.


Once I stopped the Champix the urge to chase cars vanished (eventually) but the other effects stayed with me. Ok, I still smoke and love to smoke but Ive learned that Im not as unhealthy as I thought I was and that time on the pills has given me the impetus to s-l-o-w-l-y quit day by day, a little at a time.

If it wasnt for those pills Id still be smoking up to 60 a day instead of the 10 I smoke each day now.

Each week I cut back a little and eventually I`ll be down to two or three a day- which is better than 60. I wont ever quit totally because Im a weak willed wimp but those pills have shown me its possible to cut right back.

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No not really!


I learned that if I tried hard enough I COULD jack in the cigs! I learned that there IS a life without constantly having to light up and I learned that food tastes better, my lungs feel clearer, Im healthier and occasionally have the urge to chase cars to bite at their tyres.


Once I stopped the Champix the urge to chase cars vanished (eventually) but the other effects stayed with me. Ok, I still smoke and love to smoke but Ive learned that Im not as unhealthy as I thought I was and that time on the pills has given me the impetus to s-l-o-w-l-y quit day by day, a little at a time.

If it wasnt for those pills Id still be smoking up to 60 a day instead of the 10 I smoke each day now.

Each week I cut back a little and eventually I`ll be down to two or three a day- which is better than 60. I wont ever quit totally because Im a weak willed wimp but those pills have shown me its possible to cut right back.

A while after I stopped taking Champix I was smoking 10 a day like you, then it went up to 20. I don't know what happened to me yesterday, I smoked 60 and I've never done that before.


It must be me that is weak willed and if you can cut back from 10 while the urge isn't too strong, I think that in time with a bit of effort you should be able to stop altogether if you want.

Edited by Truthinus
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Hi Everyone, I am almost eight months of non smoking. It feels great and I think, if I can do it anyone can. I really do not have will power at all. The only thing I had going for me is I did not want to be a slave to smoking any more. I don't believe people are weak willed or have tons of will power. If yo want it, you can do it. Jabber really did want it, but with the side effects and his OH it was just too difficult. Truth, you need help and you have to be the one to want it most. When that happens, you will get it no matter what. I quit with kind of no support. Any one who did support me, really had no idea what I was going through. It was so hard, but I did make it. You can do it if you want to. I'm just not convinced that you want to. You have two problems. Woodsmoke told you about himself. So you pick what you want to get rid of. Don't make excuses. If you are happy with who you are, then leave it. If not, change something. You are in control of your life and you can change what ever you want. Only you can do this. Don't blame champix, change what you want. Champix helped me and so many other people. I agree it is not for every one, but for some it is amazing. So you need to find what works for you and tell us about it. Even though champix did not work for Jabber he still thinks it is great and he started this site for champix. So maybe truth, you need to start being truthful to yourself. Do you want to stop anything or just complain. Do you want help or just come on sites and say things do not work. Get to it truth, and stop going around everything. You and only you can make a difference in your life. I really hope you do something to change. If you do, please let me know, if not see you around.

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Well done Karen on almost being eight months. I certainly agree with everything you have said in your post. Its just a matter of that you really want to quit and you will, nobody can do it for you you have to want it for yourself.


Well done everybody, just think after new year you can say that you gave up smoking last year.:roll::roll:

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A while after I stopped taking Champix I was smoking 10 a day like you, then it went up to 20. I don't know what happened to me yesterday, I smoked 60 and I've never done that before.


It must be me that is weak willed and if you can cut back from 10 while the urge isn't too strong, I think that in time with a bit of effort you should be able to stop altogether if you want.


I cant remember when I stopped the Champix- a couple of years now if I remember rightly but its legacy still lives on. I cut right down and and still smoking less than ever in my life and I know I could quit right now if I wanted, just throw my pack away and forget about them.


The thing is - and Ive mentioned this before on this thread, I enjoy a smoke! I know its bad for me and will probably one day snuff me out but I like a cig!


I compromised, I smoke a minimum, just enough for my enjoyment but not too many to kill me too soon :D


Im lucky that Im at a stage where I can go a day without a cig, I no longer actually crave for them, I can seriously take them or leave them. If it wasnt for Champix Id still be inhaling up to 60 a day or more and going nuts if I was in a no smoking area and looking for places to sneak off to for a swift cig.

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