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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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hi everyone this is day 6 of not smoking cravings not as bad as the middle of the week i start slimming world next week might as well tackle both problems at once as i noticed i have been eating and picking a lot dont want to put too much weight on good luck everyone over the weekend

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Hi there Lynn

Nice to see some old faces, I hope you did better than I did:thumbsup:


I'm happy to say that I am a success story Inger - 2 1/2 years since I stopped

Good Luck - you can do it


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OMG! Im sooo happy today I had 2 puffs on a cig and almost threw up its put me off totally I hope if I ever do reach for one again they make me sick because I can safely say these tablets are the one for me gooooo CHAMPIX :D


I did exactly the same at the end of Days 1 & 2 of stopping.It was the best thing ever as it taught me that the taste I craved no longer existed so there was no point in me lighting up again.

Doesn't work for everyone but it did for me


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Hello fellow chamquitters,


Yes I'm still here and still smoke free but SERIOUSLY getting annoyed at the fact that I can go all sodding week, at work, and not even thnk about smoking too much, BUTTTTTTTTTTTT as soon as the weekend arrives it's like a switch in my mind flicks on and all I can bloody think about is SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (really need to scream here lol) If anybody has an opinion or idea of what I can do then any adivice would be most appreciated.


I've got an appointment with the Nurse tomorrow and i'll mention it then but I somehow have the feeling I won't get much sympathy :cry:


OS glad to see you are sticking with it - how's it going lately?


Raxs - where have you gone?


Lyn and other 'Oldies' it's so good to hear from you all. It does help, well a little anyway, at the moment :hihi:


Gemini glad to hear you are still doing well too


Keep up the good everybody :thumbsup: and that goes out to 'The Forum' not just those mentioned.


Tashant x

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Hello . Im still a non-smoker even tho im not taking the tablets . Oldshirty - im not having any bad cravimgs . If i think about smoking i remind myself of the benefits of not smoking . For example - if i see anyone smoking instead of thinking that i would like one i tell myself that im glad that i dont need to smoke now . Sj - i dont agree with your smoking advisor , i dont think we are puttung ourselves through anything . i think we are freeing ourselves from an addiction and becoming healthier n wealthier :)

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Hello fellow chamquitters,


Yes I'm still here and still smoke free but SERIOUSLY getting annoyed at the fact that I can go all sodding week, at work, and not even thnk about smoking too much, BUTTTTTTTTTTTT as soon as the weekend arrives it's like a switch in my mind flicks on and all I can bloody think about is SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (really need to scream here lol) If anybody has an opinion or idea of what I can do then any adivice would be most appreciated.


Oh dearly me chuck, is there something particular that you do at the weekends that you don't do during the week that could be triggering these thoughts?


Do you drink more or put yourself in situations where you are around lots of smokers or is it just a phycological thing do you think?


When i quit i tried to change my weekend routine to avoid situations like that, i started running again which i reallyed enojy and i TRIED to drink less (although that maybe didn't go so well! ;) )

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Hello fellow chamquitters,


Yes I'm still here and still smoke free but SERIOUSLY getting annoyed at the fact that I can go all sodding week, at work, and not even thnk about smoking too much, BUTTTTTTTTTTTT as soon as the weekend arrives it's like a switch in my mind flicks on and all I can bloody think about is SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (really need to scream here lol) If anybody has an opinion or idea of what I can do then any adivice would be most appreciated.


Hope you managed the rest of the weekend Tashant. Scottf is probably right in terms of changing your routine but as you know, I'm not probably the best person to speak to...


I've got an appointment with the Nurse tomorrow and i'll mention it then but I somehow have the feeling I won't get much sympathy :cry:


How did it go? I have my appointment on Wednesday.



OS glad to see you are sticking with it - how's it going lately?


Only just, Tashant But hey ho, here we are a month down the line would you believe:-)) Congratulations quit buddy :-)


Raxs - where have you gone?


Hear, hear?! Where are you Raxs?


Oldshirty - im not having any bad cravimgs . If i think about smoking i remind myself of the benefits of not smoking . For example - if i see anyone smoking instead of thinking that i would like one i tell myself that im glad that i dont need to smoke now


Sounds like a good strategy, Paddy! Change of attitude towards smoking definitely required :-)


OS, glad to see your still hanging on in there hun! How you feeling???


Erm...I think 'resigned' is the best way of putting it. I'm not tearing my hair out but nor am I particularly happy. Things definitely feel much better when I'm out and about...I don't think about it unless I see someone else smoking...and then I think nostalgically back to a time that I felt...not 'happy' but 'complete'. [in good old drama queen style :-))]


Well i'm 7 weeks smoke free!!!!!


Brilliant TC! That's worth celebrating :-)


glad to see you are still quit Oldshirty, well done I'm really pleased for you


Thank you, Gemini :-) And thanks for your continued support!


Oh, did I tell you all that we have a Zumba class starting here now?! Guess where I'm going on Wednesday night :-))


Well done to everyone and good luck to those just starting out!


OS x

P.S. Lost track of multi-quoting so sorry if I have mixed up replies (you know who you are!)

Edited by esme
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wellll..... I have the most EXCELLENT news :D my stop smoking date was 16th March it is now TODAY I did it 1 whole day without the cigs well I had help tho my dad bought me a nicolites e-cig and tbh ive only ever used it today a few times just whenever the crazy urge for 'something to do ' started I somehow dont feel I should be havin the niccolite but it does help A LOT especially for something to hold but yep ive done it and im sooo pleased i even had several cigs left in a packet from over the weekend not sure what to do with them now though :/

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