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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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are they those teabag type things that you put under your lip? my mate from norway had some that he was trying to pas off to me.


That's the ones. They're an acquired taste, but they work.


Swedish male lung cancer rates are well below the European average because of snus.

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A way to definitely not stop smoking is to send for one of those ludicrous 'Quit' kits from the NHS.


What's in it? Gum? No. Patches? No. Just a load of crap and posters about 'My route to stopping smoking'. Oh, and a plastic bangle-type thing 'to keep your hands busy'.


It has the dead hand of a committee of NHS wimmin all over it.


Or the producers of Play School.


:hihi: I got one of those in the post today too!

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Found the gum worked best for me,good luck.

Gum did it for me too, watch out though, its easy to get addicted to the gum ... I actually got to like it ... I was on it for 18 months when they reckon 3 months is the usual time! Mind you that was 12 years ago, so I'm over it now, ha, ha!!

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Im trying to quit smoking, been a day where I have not had a fag. Finding it very difficult. I'm using some nicotine patches to help me. But still urging to have a fag


Any ideas of what else can I do to stop the urge




Champix fella!! I’ve smoked since I was 15, so good 20 years, have stopped a few time but started back up again, until I tried champix, the tablet actually takes the urge away, and no nicotine withdrawal either it’s a super drug!!

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Champix fella!! I’ve smoked since I was 15, so good 20 years, have stopped a few time but started back up again, until I tried champix, the tablet actually takes the urge away, and no nicotine withdrawal either it’s a super drug!!


i start on this on monday, hope it works for me

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Hi everybody I dont come on here anymore as it has been banned at work which is where I used to log on most. I am still off the ciggies since May 2010 and very rarely think about them anymore which I never thought would happen. The thing that keeps me off them is knowing that just one would have me back on them and I really don't want that to happen. Good luck to everyone. I could not have done it without Champix and all the encouragement on this site.

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