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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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So here are some facts about nicotine from the article:


How deadly is nicotine? It’s nearly twice as deadly as black widow spider

venom (.5 mg/kg versus .9mg/kg) and at least three times deadlier than diamondback rattlesnake venom (.5mg/kg versus 1.89mg/kg).


Drop for drop, that makes nicotine as deadly as strychnine, which also has a minimum adult

LD50 of 30mg, and more deadly than arsenic (50mg),or cyanide (50mg).


(info courtesy of http://whyquit.com/FFN/chapters/FFN_01_Nicotine.pdf)



It's a pretty meaningless fact in this context- a lot of substances which are actually beneficial when taken normally, are also deadly if injected in high concentrations.


Smoking is deadly, but it's not the nicotine that causes all the physical damage, but the other chemicals in cigarettes. Nicotine of course, is the root of the addiction that keeps the smoker smoking, but, in terms of physical harm, it's not high on the list.


That's the point of ecigs- they're designed to deliver nicotine safely.

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To bypassblade:


Ah, you must be young and haven't had to gasp for breath yet because of your smoking. Keep smoking--you'll get there, I promise!


Or maybe you'll end up with esophageal cancer--that's real cool, too, your skin turns black as coal and you can't breathe or eat, have to be bedridden and fed intravenously. . . betcha can't wait for it!


Or you could end up with a brain aneurism or stroke and be paralyzed and/or drooling and unable to speak. . .still going for cool, here?


As far as celebs or rock stars with fags looking cool? That's a matter of opinion. To me they just look stupid, like women in spike heels that can barely keep their balance and you know their feet are killing them. They think they look cool, but to me they look ridiculous.


Well, kid, rock on, as they say. . .(but I would take some time to re-think your priorities, if ya get my drift. . . )!


To bluecrow,


Can I ask please that if you are going to single someone out with your rapier wit, look at their previous posts. I DON'T SMOKE, look at my user name surely there's a clue. I have had a stroke, 2 heart attacks, and quadruple heart bypass and have 6 stents in my arteries in my heart, hardly a reason to smoke. I also have heart failure & my life expectancy is 5-7 years so I would not post anything like that, so please get the right person before you castigate someone.


I was asking goodies how they got their tabs buck shee, I never questioned if they worked, if they are reading[/b;] lets see if you (bluecrow)come back to me on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Bypassblade
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It was different times back then- brainwashing people into smoking via film stars being paid to smoke on screen was rife.


So impressionable teens going to the flicks did see it as 'cool', and, those film stars were partly responsible for the hundreds of thousands who took up smoking and died as a result.


Then again, most of those films stars who pushed the drug got their karmic consequences when they also died slow horrible deaths from various smoking induced cancers.


That was then though, this is now; and, in this day and age when smoking is widely recognised as a drug habit, pure and simple, most people don't see smokers as 'cool'- they tend to see then as victims, or as fools.


My god. I never realised there was such a conspiracy!! Don't tell me, the moon landings are fake too??


Never read so much rubbish in all my life!

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To bluecrow,


Can I ask please that if you are going to single someone out with your rapier wit, look at their previous posts. I DON'T SMOKE, look at my user name surely there's a clue. I have had a stroke, 2 heart attacks, and quadruple heart bypass and have 6 stents in my arteries in my heart, hardly a reason to smoke. I also have heart failure & my life expectancy is 5-7 years so I would not post anything like that, so please get the right person before you castigate someone.


I was asking goodies how they got their tabs buck shee, I never questioned if they worked, if they are reading[/b;] lets see if you (bluecrow)come back to me on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When did you stop smoking?

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When did you stop smoking?


Hey up bud, I stopped 29th November 2005, the very same day I was admitted to hospital, I had surgery 12th December 2005. Your comments don't worry me, I'm glad you've avoided being ill, its the other one that got to me, if I said it I'd have no defence but hey ho :)

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My god. I never realised there was such a conspiracy!! Don't tell me, the moon landings are fake too??


Never read so much rubbish in all my life!


Do you want to point out which bit was rubbish?


It was different times back then- brainwashing people into smoking via film stars being paid to smoke on screen was rife.


So impressionable teens going to the flicks did see it as 'cool', and, those film stars were partly responsible for the hundreds of thousands who took up smoking and died as a result.


Then again, most of those films stars who pushed the drug got their karmic consequences when they also died slow horrible deaths from various smoking induced cancers.


That was then though, this is now; and, in this day and age when smoking is widely recognised as a drug habit, pure and simple, most people don't see smokers as 'cool'- they tend to see then as victims, or as fools.


It's no conspiracy- it's well documented fact that this happened, and, if it hadn't been made illegal, would still be happening.

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Do you want to point out which bit was rubbish?




It's no conspiracy- it's well documented fact that this happened, and, if it hadn't been made illegal, would still be happening.


Well known fact?! Like the fact that you're talking from the wrong end of your digestive tract??


I suppose all the smack dealers paid Iggy Pop to get wasted?!

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Well known fact?! Like the fact that you're talking from the wrong end of your digestive tract??



No need for insults- keep it up and I'll point the moderators in your direction.



I suppose all the smack dealers paid Iggy Pop to get wasted?!


Why don't we stick to the subject we're discussing, which was nicotine and it's well established marketing via the film industry- not smack: in this context, 'smack' would be a strawman-



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No need for insults- keep it up and I'll point the moderators in your direction.




Why don't we stick to the subject we're discussing, which was nicotine and it's well established marketing via the film industry- not smack: in this context, 'smack' would be a strawman-




It's called product placement. It happens with everything from cigarette brands to cars to soft drinks. Get over it.

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It's called product placement. It happens with everything from cigarette brands to cars to soft drinks. Get over it.


Ah- so you do accept it happened? Previously you seemed to be saying it was some kind of conspiraxcy theory :)


There's nothing for me to get over, IMO, as the kind of blatent cigarette advertising and open payments to media stars to smoke on screen, has now been made illegal.


Plus of course, we now live in times where most of the thinking public see smokers, not as 'cool, but as drug addicts/victims/fools- so many film stars wouldn't be that interested in promoting it anyway.

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