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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hello Donna and welcome! You are doing well. Try not to think about what the tablets are doing, just let them work their magic. You should aim to stop around day 14 but if it goes a bit over then that is fine, you will know when it is time and will have cut down more by then.


Crookesey don't do it! I thought the same thing but a few always ends up back at 20 at an alarmingly fast rate! And rach hasn't stopped yet, she has cut down to 3 a day!

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i started on these tablets 3 weeks ago. the first week i carried on smoking the same as usual then i had to start taking the full dose i stopped straight away. during the last three weeks i have been tempted a couple of times and tried to smoke but after trying a couple of drags put it out. i bet i havnt smoked a full cigarette in the three weeks, mind you i feel as though i could, but when i try i am not bothered. i hope i can keep it up. the only side effects i have got are hunger and bad mood.

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Been on the tablets once, and they work - God how they work, they take away the craving, but your still left with how do you control your hands. what to do with them? I'm used to smoking after a meal, ( including breakfast) takes a lot of " Not Doing" - Only a smoker will KNOW.

Need help - yes

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Great to see a mini reunion going on just now. I love coming on here to give the newbies encouragement.


Well remembered Quack's Echo - I'd forgotten the fight I had getting the tablets in the first place. The funny thing is that that was the councellor, my doctor was more than happy for me to have them. I guess the 'councellor' was protecting his job and had to be seen to councel me into stopping first!!! Shame he wasn't very good -:hihi:

Keep up the good work everyone - you can do it


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It is a very hard thing to do. The pills make it alot easier. If you are having a hard time, time the Allen Carr's book. It helped me when I was in the early days. I smoked 25 per day and yes everyone can do it. I had a lot of side effects from the pills, but nothing that would stop me from taking them as they really do work. Good luck everyone. :)

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Been on the tablets once, and they work - God how they work, they take away the craving, but your still left with how do you control your hands. what to do with them? I'm used to smoking after a meal, ( including breakfast) takes a lot of " Not Doing" - Only a smoker will KNOW.

Need help - yes


You could try sunflower seeds. That would keep your hands busy. Since you have been on the pills before, you know exactly how they work. This time you can do it. Good luck!!!:cool:

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I found that I had to physically go and do something after eating to take my mind off it - wash up, sweep the floor, something or anything! I still find it hard now and its been five months for me and second time around. I still think about the little buggers but mostly I don't, I now spend more time not thinking about them and hope that I will never go back again and have to go through all this again. I have also joined weightwatchers to lose the weight I have put on and have lost 9lb in the last 5 weeks so its all going in the right direction at the moment.


Good luck everybody, stick with it, it does get easier and is really worth it.

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Glad to here everyone doing well

Im on day 12 now of champix and havent had a cig for 3 days, the last 2 days were easy but by god have i felt it today, iv even cried, but I havent given in.

This is about my 6th attempt and most cetainly my last, cant put myself through it again.

Just hoping i feel better tomorrow, feeling really sick as well after taking the tabs.


Well keep up the good work all, will keep ya all posted


Rach x

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Good luck Rach. You can do it this time. I also had to drink water before taking the pill. I have read that most people try 5 times before they can quit. So I think this time will be your time. Try and keep your mind off of it. Let us know. We are all rooting for you.

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