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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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John, I am glad you are feeling better. Too bad AA did not work for you. I have heard great things about it. It doesn't always work for everyone. You have to find what works for you. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I feel that if you need help with anything it really doesn't matter what site you are on. So you do need help and people to talk to so you are at the right place. Champix is good for some and for others it just is very bad. For me I had side effects, but I got through them. I am coming up to eight months of non smoking. I am very happy with that. Yes it is hard sometimes, but it does get easier. I found reading helped, but others would think this is crazy. So with everything everyone is different. I am sure you are a very lovely guy and I did not take offence to anything that you have said so far. I never thought anything by it. I think that if you want something bad enough you will get it. So as far as these sites, in my opinion you are making excuses. I do not know enough about these things and I think Woodsmoke would be better at this then me. We support you here no matter what your problem is. You are not taking over anything. If you have a problem, we are all here to help. Everyone on this site is your friend and will help in any way we can. Some one will come up with something and you will be like wow that really does make sense and helps so much. I like reading and hearing about everyone who has quit smoking and who haven't as it really helps me to keep going. If there are other people, they will say something. When Ray, (that is his real name) maybe I should say Jabber created this site I don't think he cared who was on it. He really is an amazing and funny guy. See if you can add him on face book. You will get tons of laughs and sometimes that is all you need to keep going. I'm on face book too, just let me know if you want to add me and I will tell you how to find me or let me know your full name and I'll try and add you. I'm not too good at it yet. John, just remember I'm here to help and so are many other people.

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Tying to get back on topic.

... I just have problems with addictions - a genetic disorder I gather...




Which to me means that once I have stopped drinking the stuff, I should never drink it again.

I want to add that for some people the addiction to alcohol is more difficult to break than an addiction to nicotine. And if people can stop drinking (and some do) then people can stop smoking.


I was talking to a neighbour the other day and he said that he stopped smoking 'just like that' with no medication whatsoever but for some people it is more difficult to stop and we need medical help. Taking Champix however, is dangerous and risky because it can cause suicidal tenancies as I found out for myself. :(

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Hi all


I too have had to stop champix, made me feel like i had no emotions, cried for days.

But Ive stuck at it without the champix and am now on day 15 as a non smoker, an by god its hard, i am craving now as much as i was at first, really hope it eases in time.


Good luck all



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Tying to get back on topic.

I want to add that for some people the addiction to alcohol is more difficult to break than an addiction to nicotine. And if people can stop drinking (and some do) then people can stop smoking.


I was talking to a neighbour the other day and he said that he stopped smoking 'just like that' with no medication whatsoever but for some people it is more difficult to stop and we need medical help. Taking Champix however, is dangerous and risky because it can cause suicidal tenancies as I found out for myself. :(


I think its more important to quit the alcohol first. Tying to quit smoking when using alcohol is very difficult in my opinion. You just end up drinking more to make up!

To be honest its hardly suprising that Champix is having an adverse effect, it doesn't suit everyone and I gather is rarely perscribed for people with a history of depression or alcohol dependance. If you suffer from both its got to be avoided!

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Hi all


I too have had to stop champix, made me feel like i had no emotions, cried for days.

But Ive stuck at it without the champix and am now on day 15 as a non smoker, an by god its hard, i am craving now as much as i was at first, really hope it eases in time.


Good luck all




Hey, well done its not easy to quit nicotine. I found it difficult enough with champix and know from previous expirience it is even harder without.

Either way your emotions are mixed up but it does get easier as every day/ week passes. It is often only when you look back you realise how far you have come..

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I think its more important to quit the alcohol first. Tying to quit smoking when using alcohol is very difficult in my opinion. You just end up drinking more to make up!

To be honest its hardly suprising that Champix is having an adverse effect, it doesn't suit everyone and I gather is rarely perscribed for people with a history of depression or alcohol dependance. If you suffer from both its got to be avoided!

Well, 'my' doctor did prescribe it, the flippin idiot! Edited by Truthinus
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Hi all


I too have had to stop champix, made me feel like i had no emotions...

For me it feels like a part of me has gone missing and it got to the point where I didn't care to live. It is slowly getting better but I'm still not the same as I was before and I was depressed (and drinking) before taking Champix.


The craving for a cig is getting stronger since I stopped taking it but Sunday gone and the Sunday before I didn't have enough money to buy some cigs or tobacco. (also didn't have enough for alcohol on those days so had to go through withdrawals, which is dangerous but without money I had no choice).


This afternoon I did something I'm somewhat embarrassed about. I went to the supermarket and got some dog-ends from the ashtrays (which are by the entrance) so I can roll them up. I have had less than a half bottle of Vodka today and it's all gone but hopefully a little money comes into my bank account early in the morning - by which time I will be feeling very uncomfortable.


By the way Rach, are you the Rachel I met in the Supermarket a while ago? If so, please PM me.

Edited by Truthinus
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Hi all


But Ive stuck at it without the champix and am now on day 15 as a non smoker, an by god its hard, i am craving now as much as i was at first, really hope it eases in time.


Good luck all



I think we can get an artificial cigarette with a red LED in it! I've been told that the end glows when you suck on it and it gives you something to do with your hands.. That along with nicotine patches might work. I would ask about it Rachel. As for me, I think I should continue smoking until I have had the alcohol problem sorted out.


It's a real struggle to type today and my head isn't working as it should.

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This is the start of week 8 for me:D. I was on 20/25 a day if not more on weekends


I quit 5 months before my b/f and i had planned because i suddenly had enough, and i had larangitus. We only smoked in the dining room as thats where our computers are, and as he is still smoking. Although it doesnt bother me that much, sitting here and not smoking seems kinda strange.


I got the Champix but was also lucky enough to get some hypnotherapy with work. I also ordered the quit kit. Having tried before (16 weeks with patches and 7 cold turkey) i needed all the help i could get.


Only on the 0.5ml of champix now cos of the hypnotherapy, and may not take the whole corse but im so glad i did.

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