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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Well six months ago I took early retirement, stopped smoking and was diagnosed as suffering from Tendonitis. I am still off the fags but now realise that they were acting as a pain relief provider. It didn't take long to realise that 30 fags a day cushioned all fashion of pain, from nicking myself shaving to the Tendonitis.


So early retirement and stopping smoking have both gone well, however the Tendonitis ranges from mildly uncomfortable to downright bloody painful, so be warned, stopping smoking can have it's minus points. :rolleyes:

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Hi all,

2 year anniversary for me quit today, without this thread i doubt I would have been so succesfull so hugs and thanks jabba.

keep on supporting and questioning everyone gets it but not all of us the same way.

Love yourselves so you can love others and never give up giving up.


love from sunny melbourne

Trish xx


Big well done to you.

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Diggerd, well done to you on 2 years :clap:


And well done to everybody else and good luck to Scott, you can do it, and we are all here for you whether you like it or not :hihi:


Also hi to Jabber and thanks again for starting this thread.


Next week will be 6 months without a puff for me :o

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Well im on day 5 of the tablets at the moment- felt a bit sick using them and are struggling to sleep but already i have noticed a dramatic reduction of how much i want a cigarette- i only had 1/2 yesterday and im not even supposed to be stopping properly until next monday!


Fingers crossed and thanks for the good luck messages :)

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The main issue here is that you have 2 addictions - ciggies and drink.
Yes and drink is far more addictive for me than are cigs.


Most of us on here had only one - cigges. Champix is designed to assist people come off the ciggies, I don't believe it is designed to work alongside alchohol, in fact I'm pretty sure that you are strongly advised NOT to drink whilst on it.
Except that 'my' doctor did prescribe it for me, the idiot, it could have meant my death.


There is no doubt that your doctor should not have prescribed Champix to you but maybe you need to consider whether it is the drink that has aggravated the reaction with Champix.
I think they did clash!


Others have suggested that you get one addiction under control before you confront the other and maybe that needs to be your plan - you do need to have a plan and it needs to be followed with a positive view that you WILL succeed and then you will. Good luck
Thanks love, my plan is to get the alcohol problem out of the way first and in the meantime buy 'cheap' cigs or tobacco. ;) When I have adjusted to not drinking then I will try to stop smoking but not with Champix! :eek!


That's me done with pharmaceutic drugs that interfere with the way brain works. I have been on Prozac then Seroxat and they both did me harm, especially Seroxat - and now this with Champix, which had me thinking that there's no reason to live. I now visit a different doctor and she said that she's not going to ever prescribe any such drugs for me.


So when I get over the drink problem it's nicotine patches (and perhaps also a pretend cig) for me. But there are over 30 people waiting for alcohol detox and there are only five or six beds in this city for that. It will most likely be next year when I come off my addictions. :(


God knows, I want to be free!

Edited by Truthinus
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A mate started taking them yesterday and without trawling through the hundreds of pages on this i was wondering what the main side effects of the pill were.


Bad dreams, dry mouth, indigestion, feeling sick - all depending on who you are. Different people have diferent side effects and Im sure that more people will add to these.


The worst side effect can be in the head though. In some people it can drive them stark, staring batty like they did to me.


Trouble is in a lot of people they dont realise theyre going nuts so those taking Champix for the first time have to be watched for a few weeks. I turned into a foaming nutter and didnt even realise it. I thought I was sitting there, calmly watching telly but in actual fact I was foaming at the mouth and threatening to kill everybody!



The best outcome is you quit smoking.


The worst is you maim some poor bugger :D

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A mate started taking them yesterday and without trawling through the hundreds of pages on this i was wondering what the main side effects of the pill were.
Myself (and this is in combination with an alcohol problem), a change in smelling and taste, a nasty dirty 'taste' in my belly, then constipation for two weeks, then strange dreams, then a feeling of absolute dread in my head and then suicidal tenancies and I ended up walking in the middle of a main road like I had a death wish.


These sort of things don't happen to everyone because we are all different but as Jabber says, we need to be watched carefully when taking Champix.

Edited by Truthinus
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