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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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the way i am looking at it is that at some point I will have to encounter a smoker being near me.....so why not make that now whilst im on the Champix (fabulous drug) and getting the help instead of later when i could crack etc etc

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Good luck f.i.g.j.a.m and Nutnurse, sounds like you are both doing really well ands its nice to have each other for support. I quit 6 months ago. I always felt really tired when I smoked but found that this disappeared when I stopped. I have not noticed that food tastes any different but my sense of smell has got better. I do not mind the smell of somebody smoking but I hate the smell of somebody who has just smoked. I put on quite a bit of weight but I have lost 11 pounds at Weightwatchers so far. Good luck guys you can do it. Also well done to Sierra888, I can relate to everything in your post and I'm sure it will help everybody on here.

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Good luck f.i.g.j.a.m and Nutnurse, sounds like you are both doing really well ands its nice to have each other for support. I quit 6 months ago. I always felt really tired when I smoked but found that this disappeared when I stopped. I have not noticed that food tastes any different but my sense of smell has got better. I do not mind the smell of somebody smoking but I hate the smell of somebody who has just smoked. I put on quite a bit of weight but I have lost 11 pounds at Weightwatchers so far. Good luck guys you can do it. Also well done to Sierra888, I can relate to everything in your post and I'm sure it will help everybody on here.


well done Gemini, I too am also on Weightwatchers and have so far lost 9 pounds. I don't like the smell of somebody who has just smoked either but also not keen when somebody lights up in front of me.


Good luck to the newbies here especially nutnurse, figjam, sierra888 and all the others who are going down the route to being a non smoker.


Truthinus if you are still reading this part of the forum I would like to apologise for being a bit harsh the other day. I am sure that once you have your alcohol addition under control then you may be able to quit smoking obviously for your reasons without the Champix. Good luck.



Edited by taimah
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Im on day 2 and i feel fine- didn't even think about it yesterday and today is going the same way- am out tonight with the boys but as only 1 of them is a smoker not everyone will be going outside thankfully.


coughing like a bugger today though!! :)

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Hi all,


Gemini and Taimah thanks for your words of support :)


Scott i found day 2 to be no problem also, I am on day 3 today and its going the same way, not many cravings etc, i have not got a cough though, although my brother got one when he first quit, was all the gunk coming up from his lungs.


Hopefully you dont cave tonight whilst your out with the boys

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lol yep all my friends have had the instructions.....im finding the hardest part is sitting around (am off sick from work after a nasty fall down stairs)....my mind wanders to ciggies, then a craving will hit! its just working through them, i have to say though, its no where near as bad as i thought it would be

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Hi Nutty,


Well done you - wishing you lots of support. I found "square breathing" helped. Find something square/rectangular like a picture, a window frame, TV, etc. Take a deep breath in whilst counting in your head 1 and 2. Let your eye travel along the top of the frame as you count the 1 and 2. Then exhale to 1 and 2 as your eye descends one side of the frame. Then breathe in whilst moving along the bottom of the frame and so on. Somehow your eye travelling around the frame stops you thinking of much else and the slow breathing calms you down. Works for me as a general anxiety buster.


Good luck,





lol yep all my friends have had the instructions.....im finding the hardest part is sitting around (am off sick from work after a nasty fall down stairs)....my mind wanders to ciggies, then a craving will hit! its just working through them, i have to say though, its no where near as bad as i thought it would be
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